ch. 13 the package arrives

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After diner , I decide to go to my room, watch some YouTube and Netflix on my bed. "Bye everybody" I say before walking on the stairs. "Bye, honey" "Bye (Y/N)" I hear before closing the door behind me. 

I sit on my bed and receive a text from (F/N)

(F/N); hey

(F/N) ; I saw your texts

me; finally

(F/N): I'm sorry I got so upset 

I don't know how to react. She didn't get me in trouble. Almost though. She got mad at me, technically for saving her ass.  If I wasn't there for her, she would've got into trouble.

(F/N): still there?

me; yeah, yeah

me: I just don't know what to think rn

(F/N): what do u mean?

me; well, from the whole story. 

(F/N): yeah, I get it

(F/N): I understand if you don't wanna talk to me rn

me: I'll just text you later okay?

I lay my phone down before she can respond. I am relieved that she hasn't blocked my number anymore. 

But I'm still a little mad at her, and I still feel a little guilty. It has probably been hard for her to get those cigarettes, and I just threw them away. 

I shrug it all off and watch Netflix on my iPad. I hear some people walk on the stairs. I pause the movie on my screen and listen. 

After a while of listening, I press the play button again, knowing my dad was just bringing Johnny to bed. I hear mom too, getting ready for bed. 

"Goodnight, (Y/N) " She yells from across the hall, "yeah, goodnight" I say before watching the movie again. 

small time skip

I hear slight knocking on the wall where my bed is standing against. I ignore it, but the familiar knocking goes on. 

Of course Mark was knocking, wanting me to come over. 'what now' I say before getting off of my bed. I feel tired, so I first put on my sleeping-shorts and just a simple T-shirt from my closet. 

After putting that on, I walk to the hallway, wanting Mark to stop the annoying knocking . I enter his bedroom without warning, "what is it!" I sigh annoyed. 

Mark grins at me and rubs his hand next to him, wanting me to lay down next to him. Mark lifts up the covers as I walk up to him. 

He wears a T-shirt and boxers. "Wanna watch a movie together?" He asks while I get under the covers with him. 

"What is this for? Wanna make up something to me?" I ask, slightly chuckling. Mark smiles, "no, I just thought it would be nice to watch a horror movie together" He explains. 

I chuckle, "yeah, sure" I say as Mark puts his laptop on the bed in-between us. Mark and I sit up in the bed, watching a horror. 

time skip after movie

Mark shuts the laptop, "scared?" he asks. I grin, "Never" I answer. "so Mark...?" I say, wanting to ask a question. "yeah...?" He asks after putting the laptop on the ground next to the bed. 

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