ch. 11 I could even get you

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I wake up to some knocks on my door. I groan in annoyance, "Leave me alone! It's fucking vacation dammit!" I scream in my pillow. 

I turn my head when I hear some more knocks. I blink my eyes a few times, and see my door opened wide. "Goodmorning sleeping beauty" I hear a familiar voice say. 

I look up to see my friend in my room, "oh, hey" I say with a smile, realizing it was just (F/N). "What are you doing here?" I ask softly with a  sleepy, cracking voice. 

"Nice to see you too" My friend says sarcastic. I smile. "I'm here for my package" My friend whispers, not wanting anyone to hear. 

I nod, "wait outside my bedroom, I'll  get dressed" I explain. My friend sighs, "I've seen you naked, did you cut yourself or something" My friend says chuckling before walking out the door. 

When she closes the door, I run to my pile of clothes and pull them on. I run over to my window, looking down one more time. Just to make sure they are really gone. 

I look in my drawer one more time, hoping it was all a dream. I sigh when I realize I've lost the box of cigarettes. 

I open the door, with an uneasy expression. My friend sees me and crosses her arms, "This better not be a fucking joke!" She says angry. 

"I lost them, I'm sorry" I say, really feeling bad. "You smoked them yourself didn't you!?" My friend says in an angry, hushing tone. I shake my head heavily, "I'm happy with my lungs thank you" I snap.

My friend sighs, "What did you do to them then!!!" She almost yells. "My mom was gonna look through my room, so I threw them out the window. I was looking for them yesterday, but they're gone!" I explain. 

She looks at me angry, "You're gonna give them back to me somehow! Get a package yourself and give it to me, bitch!!!" My friend tries to be quiet. 

"Why would I get in trouble for something that isn't even mine!? Jesus, you're so selfish! You do Everything to not get in trouble,  but your best friend, can just help herself@!?!? " I say to her in an angry tone. 

(F/N) walks down the stairs, "I hate you! You better get me that SAME kind of package back!" She says before slamming the door behind her. 

She closes the front door. 'why didn't my parents stop her..?' I ask myself before walking back in my room again. 

I lay on my bed, hugging a pillow with tears building up in my eyes.

"Why did I throw them out the window...I just lost my best friend. I could just get in trouble, that wouldn't have been a big deal, right?" I say to myself.

I wipe a tear away before I hear my bedroom door open. I turn around to see Mark standing in the doorframe. "Hi, Mark" I  say weekly. 

He walks over to me, "(Y/N), what's wrong?" He asks as he sits next to me, rubbing my shoulder slightly. "I told my friend that I lost the cigarettes, and now she's mad at me" I say, letting out sobs. 

Mark sighs and gives me a warm smile, "I heard her yelling, we'll get you a new package somehow" He says. 

I give him a weak smile back, "How? We can't buy cigarettes like that,  that's why she was so upset about it" I explain. 

In the corner of my eye, I see Mark exploring and admiring my body. "We'll get it somehow" He says. "And it's  just a friend right...? " Mark asks. 

I lift my head a little to look at him, "It was not 'just a friend', Mark. She was my best friend" I explain. "We could be even better friends, we both have the same passions" Mark says. 

Mark wipes a tear away with his thumb, holding my head in his hand, "Like what?" I ask. "Well," Mark starts, "We both looooveee horror" He says happly. I chuckle, "Yeah, that's right"

"aannnddd, we both wanna be YouTubers!" Mark says. I sit up and look surprised at him, "I thought you didn't know...?" I ask. 

Mark chuckles, "I didn't want to make a bad expression on your parents. " Mark says. "Yeah, my dad doesn't believe in such things as  a YouTube celebrity" I explain. 

I pull Mark in for a hug, "Thanks" I whisper in his shoulder. I feel his warm muscular body against my chest. His muscular arms wrap around me as he says, "No problem, little sis". 

He chuckles and pulls away, "But I'm going to an engineer college after summer holiday" Mark explains. I look at him with a smile, "You could do youTube besides that maybe...?" I ask.

 Mark looks away, in deep thoughts, "Maybe" He says. I chuckle, "just think about it" I say, patting Mark on his shoulder. 

"Like my muscles?" He says  with a 'manly' voice as he flexes. I giggle, "Yeah, have you been working out?" I say in a sarcastic, bitchy,  flirty tone. 

Mark chuckles at me, "actually, no. I'm just this sexy" He says ,kissing his arms. I chuckle, "weirdo" I say between chuckles. 

"I'm not weird!" He says, laying his hands on his heart, acting like someone shot him there. "Yes, you are" I say, crossing my arms. 

Mark looks at me with a grin, "no....I'm....NOT " And with that, he jumps on top of me, sitting on my legs with on each side of me one leg and tickling me in the sides. 

I try to push him away, but Mark is way stronger than me. "Mark!!! Stop!!!!" I scream while  laughing hard, unable to breath. 

"I'm not weird!" Mark says, still tickling me to death, "okay, okay okay okay!! You're not weird!" I say. And with that, Mark pulls back his hands. 

Mark doesn't get off me. I bite my lower lip for a second. Mark takes my wrists and pushes them on the bed, above my head.

His face comes closer to mine, "If I'm not weird, then what am I?" Mark asks in a low voice. His brown eyes trail from my eyes, to my lips and back with his head tilted to the side a little. 

I stare in his eyes through his glasses and smile at him. "dorky" I say and push his body off of me. "You want another tickle attack to the death!?" Mark says. 

I chuckle and just lay on my back, "no, thanks" I say as I stare up at the ceiling. In the corner of my eye, I catch him looking at my chest for a while and scanning my body further up and down. 

I arch my back for a second to get a little higher up the bed and I lay my hands on my stomach. We just lay here in silence. "so...." Mark starts. "Yeah..?" I answer. 

"Have  you got a boyfriend yet?" He says. "Boyfriend!?" I ask, turning my head towards him. "Or girlfriend, whatever" Mark says, sticking his hands up in surrender. 

I chuckle, "No, I don't have a boyfriend....or girlfriend" I say. "Do you?" I ask.  Mark turns his head to me and smiles, "Not yet" He says. 

"What do you mean by that, playboy" I say sarcastic. 

Mark sits up, leaning on one arm. "I'm like the best! I have these muscles, I don't  even work out, I'm cute, handsome, funny, caring and sweet and I can get any girl I want" He says quickly. 

I chuckle "Yeah, right" I say. 

Mark leans a little closer to me, "I could even get you" 

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