ch. 21 always love you

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We all look shocked at Johnny. 'Why would he ask such a question at this moment?' I think to myself. But I get more curious by the second myself.

I look at the woman with the heart warming smile. The smile slowly fades. "You don't need to know that, Johnny" My mom interrupts, knowing that Mark's mom was hurt by that question.

Mark's mom shakes her head, "no, no, it's fine, really. I just want to say," She stutters.

Johnny sobs, "that what? How could you do that!? Mark is the best brother in the world!!!" Johnny says loud. "Johnny, cut it out!!" Dad says strict.

"Well I wanna know!" Johnny says impatient. "I-it was a hard time, that's all I can say for now" Mark's mom answers.

She looks at me while wiping away a tear. I give her a warm smile back with a slight nod, telling her it's okay.

Mark clears his throat, "Can we maybe get to somewhere more private?" He asks shy, looking at his mom.

It's so weird to say that he is not my family anymore. First, it was weird to call him my brother, now, I can't seem to let him go.

I follow everyone while I walk next to Johnny. I lay my arm around his shoulder, rubbing it slightly. "It's gonna be okay, Johnnypooper, I promise" I say.

Johnny chuckles, "Johnnypooper? That's new" He says. I chuckle with him, "Yeah, I just made that up, because your farts smell awful!" I laugh, saying the last word louder.

I feel happiness in my heart again, seeing Johnny laugh because of my stupid, goofy jokes. I look up at Mark, smiling at me.

He turns his head around again, just following the others. We walk towards a car, and Mark's mom gets in.

"We'll take a taxi" My mom says. Mark's mom drives away and waves at us from behind the steering wheel.

We take two taxis since we don't all fit in one. We drive to some pretty looking houses. I look over at Mark, who has an excited expression on his face while looking out the window.

We stop in front of a house with a huge garden and backyard. I look in amazement while stepping out. Mark's mom is waiting in front of the house with her dogs.

The dogs run up to Mark, like they know him...'of course they do' I think to myself, still thinking it's weird that Mark ever lived here as a little boy.

We follow Mark's mom inside with the dogs still running around us. When we arrive inside, I see a familiar guy sitting on the couch.  I look at Mark, and I smile at him when Mark looks at the guy, who is probably his brother.

The guy stands up and walks towards Mark. They shake hands, "hi, I'm Mark" Mark says politely. The brother smiles, "I know" he chuckles, "I am Thomas, but call me Tom"  he says.

I shake his hand too, he smiles at me sweetly, "I'm (Y/N)" I say, taking his hand.  "Tom" he says before shaking some other hands.

I look around to see a beautiful black piano standing in the room. Johnny sees it too, and walks towards it, "can I play?" he asks like a little kid.

Mark's mom smiles "yes, you can" she chuckles. Johnny sits down and I stand by him, wanting to play it too, since I had piano lessons when I was a little younger (in this story you do)

Johnny just pressed some random keys before pulling me next to him on  the seat. "You play" Johnny commands. It's quiet behind me, which means all attention is on me.

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