I scoffed, gaining their attention as they spread out their wings, as if planning to attack me soon. "Not allowed? All I hear from you guys are rules and confinement, restrictions and absolute law. But tell me, what about the rule you're so desperate to break?"

The angels sneered angrily but I stopped them from speaking. "Thou shall not kill. Isn't that one of His commandments? And yet here you are, ready to murder me because in your eyes, I'm unworthy, an abomination. I don't know much about religion nor about this Lord but what the humans told me, was that he loves all his children equally."

They paused, glancing at one another while the female angel seemed...proud. While they were silently gazing, I found the murderers and grabbed a hold of their life-force before jerking my hand.

Instantly the angels fluttered back into the air, cursing slightly as four forms appeared before being flung to the dirt. "What the-"

"It's the boy! He's using his powers!"

A sliver of light was shot in my direction but burned to a crisp before it could touch me. Bidziil's eyes were ablaze with raw hate as the Angels spread out. Only the female stayed calm, folding her wings behind her.

"Amitiel, what are you-"

"Hush, Appoloin. The boy speaks the truth so calm yourself. HE loves his children dearly and hasn't told us to act in HIS stead."

"But his birth is against the rules! Father would-"

"Father would be deeply ashamed of your behavior Appoloin, same as yours Douma." Two more Angels floated gracefully to the ground, landing quietly. All three angels lowered their heads in greeting while the two males, Douma and Appoloin seemed sorrowful.

"Ezekiel. Elijah. I never expected the twins to come down here."

Elijah shook his head, youthful face filled with sorrow as he stared at the water below. "He was too young, taken too quickly. Why are we fighting one of our own, who attempts to bring some order to this maddening chaos?"

He turned in my direction before arching a finely shaped, blonde brow. I could hear several gasps but my mind was closed off, staring into the distance as I felt my powers hum louder and louder. Already the air was filling with countless entities, circling and imprisoning the vampires and wolves while I stood atop the lake.

Water lapped at my feet as I focused on the boy's soul, the faint whispers and cries of pain echoing through my mind and building up to a painful cascade. My senses were drawn inwards to the point where I didn't see, couldn't feel nor could I heard Bidziil shouting my name.

---Bidziil's POV---

Thorn was just... standing in the middle of the lake, seemingly resting on top of the water. His hands by his side, curled into fists and shaking ever so slightly. My nostrils flared as I spotted the small drop of blood curling down his palm and falling down to mend with the water.


He didn't respond, didn't even flinch as one of the Angels flew closer to him, observing my lover until he hesitantly reached out.

Next thing we knew, a shockwave blasted the man clear out the sky, forcing him to land a few feet away with wings spread and hair tussled wildly. "Ezekiel! Are you all right??" He nodded, gracefully accepting the help of the dark-haired angel before grabbing his shoulder.

"Calm yourself Appoloin. I merely triggered his self-defense, it was instinctual. No need to attack the boy." The man fumed silently but nodded, narrowing his silver eyes at Thorn before he looked at the men pinned to the floor.

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