Chapter 16

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Laura's POV
I stood in front of my siblings who were eyeing me hard. It was like they were looking right down into my soul it was honestly one of the most terrifying things they have ever done to me. Vanessa was looking through my computer and looking at all the files I hacked. They were all staring at me as if i had done something wrong. Even Luna was on their side. She sat on the other side of the room with Rydel, who was avoiding any possible eye contact with me.

"There are months worth of hacking on this Mac Book," Vanessa said looking up at me, "What the hell have you been doing with it?"

"I told you! I was trying to hack them back!" I basically yelled at them.

Riley looked taken back but slightly amused. God, he can be so annoying sometimes.

"Yeah, but with all this information you could have done so much" Riker said looking at the computer as Vanessa scrolled through it.

"Are you guys freakin kidding me?! Something like wh-"

"Were you even planning on tell us?" Rocky butted in.

"You act like I'm on the other side. Secretly telling them everything were doing! Why would I do that? You think I like seeing you guys hurt? We almost died today! Are you kidding me?" I yelled at them, "I was shot in the leg!"

"Yo'ure good actress, Laura." Maia muttered looking at her phone.

"Why are you guys so caught up on this?!" I asked.

"Laura this is so dangerous what you're doing. Let alone it could get you arrested-" Vanessa was cut off.

"You didn't have a problem hacking when it came to mom and dads wedding. You honestly thought I forgot about that? That was one of the stupid things we have ever done in our entire lives! We can't get any stupider after that! We hacked companies! We hacked dads phone. We went into their privacy to do something very self centered and pushy! You made me hack innocent people who didn't deserve that! And the time I do it to possibly save our lives I get accused of being on the other side?!" I say basically pouring my heart out.

They all just looked at me.  Vanessa stopped scrolling through the my computer and just looked at me. They all did. Some guilty, some shocked and others slightly ticked off.

"While I'm the bad guy, Riker, Nessa, get a load of this: Ellington and Rydel are dating. Shocker. I know." I said instantly regretting it after it came out.

All attention was then focused on El and Delly. I walked away from the lounge area and to the door. I grabbed my jacket and through on myself. I twisted the door and swung the door open. I walked out of the house and slammed the door.

I pulled the car keys out of my pocket and got in the car I put them in the ignition and drove away. I looked into my rear mirror and saw them all looking at through the window.

I was driving for a while but stopped. I needed a break from life and the mess it has put me into so far. I got out my car and sat on the edge of the cliff right next to my car.

20 minute drop. If you were to ever jump you'd probably have to mopped up of the floor, that's if you didn't hit anything on the way down that could possibly kill you.

I wasn't far away from the lodge. It was in plain sight at the top of the snowy mountain. One of the places I use to be at my best is now one of the places I'm at my worst.

I instantly felt a buzzing. Like the while mountain was shaking. I frantically looked around for a yeti about to eat me. But instead saw my phone ringing on the rock next to me. I picked up my phone which was cold to the touch.

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