(@HopeAndStar516) I Guess I'm Into Making Promo's

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Hey whats up guys! Kandy here! and OH MY GOODNESS! I just made a promo for a favorie wattpad story of mine. It looks kind of awesome! Well in my opinion anyway! I was reading one of my fav stories ever (Welcome To Highschool) and I was like.."Why don't make a promo for this? I have nothing else to do with my life" So I made one and it came quite good if i do say so myself! XD If you want me to make u one id be glad to! ;) That self promo tho. Anyway! Hope u enjoy! 1 Love That Is A Wrap and ZOOP! BTW The Video is up above! Also! XD I'm all over the place..If you have not read hope's story what the heck are you doing? go read it right now! Its called Welcome to Highschool by HopeAndStar516

PS: Hope! You are an amazing write never stop writing you are amazing at it. When a famous author one day, I'll be the first to buy the book! Toodles! Oh and also! Sorry I couldn't fit Rocky and Maia in there. I tried! but it only allows 6 character sooo is it too late now to say sorry? XD I'm being weird bye!

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