Chapter 2

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I literally fell in love with Bea Miller a couple of days ago and all I have to say is that her music is BOMB! Wait, I think wondering who's talking....HI IT'S KANDY! I Begged Kay to tell me write you guys a note before he got busy! I'm not doing so good, but HEY! Life is too short to wait for things. I learned that through this whole process, I hate to know the fact that- Ya know what I won't go there but all i need is for you guys to know I love you so much. Thank you for the support on my channel and someone tell Kayden to change me profile!!! HE EVEN CHANGED MY ALL ABOUT ME AND MADE IT ALL ABOUT US!! Okay, i gotta go lots of love guys! Bye! 1 Love That Is A Wrap And.............ZOOP! ~Kandy


Laura's POV

I climbed back in the window and smirked to myself. They are so going to jail. I smiled to myself at the thought of Rockaia. I walked pass my other siblings' rooms. I walked pass Ross' room and noticed he was looking at a picture on instagram with a really hurt look on his face. I walked into his room and sat on his bed.

"Whats wrong?" I asked him

"Who is this guys?!" He asked showing me a picture with a his girlfriend hugging some really hot guy. "Do you think she's cheating on me?"

I took the phone from him and looking at the description: Just hanging with my big bro #Blessed #FamilyOfTheYear. I rolled my eyes at Ross and handed him the phone

"Your a mess" I told him straight up without even sugar coating it.

"Wow, Thanks." He said sarcastically.

"Why you being such a Paranoid Patty?" I asked him.

He stifled his laughter at my very amazing paranoid joke and I rolled my eyes.

"What the heck is a Paranoid Patty?" He laughed.

"Come on! Be serious" I rolled my eyes at his childishness.

"Fine, I feel Esperenza is out of my league, and that she could instantly fine an even better guy" Ross admitted

"That's where your wrong. She can't find a better guy, Your sweet, your funny and I'd never tell you this to your face because I know you'd never let me live it down, but this is important, Your actually.......kinda good looking." I said pretending to gag at the sentence even though I mean't every word of it.

I raised his eye brow and smirked. I regret every thing i just said.

"You think I'm good looking?" He smirked.

"NOT THE POINT! I can help you" I said changing the subject.'

"How so?" He asked?

I took out my selfie stick and connected his phone to and raised it in the air. I gave it to Ross and fixed my lip stick. I ran my hand through my hair and sat next to Ross, but just a bit more closer than normal.

"Okay, I'm about to do something Jurassic and when I do it take the photo" I gave him the instructions. "Ready?"

He nodded. I didn't even hesitate after he nodded to kiss him on the cheek. Instantly her a click and pulled away. I took the phone from him and looked at the picture. I smiled at the photo and put the hashtag: #JustAFriend #ItsTotallyLegal. I looked back at Ross who was still shocked at what had just happened. I chuckled and showed him the picture.

"No way! She'd kill me!" Ross said handing me back the phone

"Don't you think that's exactly what she thought when she posted it. But she still posted it no did she?" I said trying to mess with Ross' mind.

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