Chapter 12

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Look! It's here! Its happened!! Its Gucci! That's not a thing anymore, I know. But still!!!!! I'm finally updating this and this has been long overdue, I'm sorry for that. But it's here now isn't it? Can we just rest on that? Okay, I'm done talking. Enjoy.

Rydel's POV

I sat infront my camera and sighed. I turned it on and smiled at the camera. of course a fake smile there's nothing to smile about.

"Hey what's up guys, its CutiePie Here! And I really think I need to explain to you guys why I haven't been uploading recently. Um...some really weird stuff has been going on. And I really can't go into detail. I wish I could but I can't. I know I always call you guys me family. And you are but, I can't explain EVERYTHING and ANYTHING to you guys. I know you guys understand because I have the best fandom ever." I said wiping away the tears rolling down my cheek.

Of course this was visible during a live stream. Everyone was commenting and asking me what was going on is I was okay. They even asked if I need a box of tissues. I have the best fans ever. I waved to the camera turned it off. I clicked the "Turn off Live stream" button before shutting down my computer. I got up of my chair and sat on my bed.

Of course the first thing I did was burst into tears. I'm a girl what I am suppose to do? I was crying a bit too loud because the next thing that happened was all too predictable.

"Hey, are you okay?" A voice said walking into my room. The person wrapped their arms around which for some reason I felt safe.

"Maybe I should kill myself right here, right now. Will this all be over?" I asked not looking up from my lap.

"I wouldn't know I've never thought about it. Neither should you. You'd be leaving a lot behind, your first kid, your first real job. Your first boyfriend" The voice said that I knew all too well.

"How do you know I've never had a boyfriend?" I asked looking up at Ellington.

"You seem a bit too clean. Plus, I've watched all of your videos you answered that question in one of your Q&A's." He said smiling.

"You just happened to take my first kiss." I said blushing slightly tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Should I be honored?" He asked smirking

"I don't even let my brothers that close." I answered giving a smirk right back.

Gosh, I miss us just talking like this. Like nothing is wrong. Like the world doesn't have crazy people out to get us. He makes me feel like nothing is wrong even though the world is crashing down. A tornado has just passed and our whole life is spinning around us. He would say something funny, or stupid or all around idiotic and somehow I would laugh. I could walk through hell with a smile plastered across my face when I'm with him.

"Good to know..So what does this make us?" He asked.

"What ever you want." I replied

"What do You want?" He asked

"Whatever you want." I replied

"Ya know you make this hard." He chuckled.

"Your my brother. I'm your sister. How that ever-"

"We'll make it work" He replied already knowing what I was going to say. "Look, I'm gonna go check on Laura. I'll talk to you later."

He couldn't just end it at that could he? He leaned in and pecked my lips before smiling and walking away. What is this boy doing to me.

Ross's POV

"I'm not understanding this" I said talking to my girlfriend via Skype. "So that guy is your cousin from Russia?"

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