Chapter 48

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Tobias POV

    The first time I met her, I could tell she was something different. She was something special. The second our hands touched I felt a spark... a connection. I never thought anything would happen between us, I was more worried about her getting kick out of Dauntless. I tried to keep my distance but I kept getting pulled towards her, wanting to get closer and closer. The second her lips touched mine, was the day everything was sealed. I never felt something like this my whole life, I never trust anyone like I do her.

    When she was taken away from me, I saw how much she truly meant to me. How much better she made my life, the impact she had on me. She made me a better man, she reassured me who I was when I thought I was nothing. She always believed in me, no matter what anyone or any test said, she knew I was whole and worth it. She knew I could be more than one thing. I could be brave, selfless, smart, kind, and honest. She always saw the best in me.

    I didn't realize how much I loved her, not until she was gone. I spent the whole time more focused with everything that was going on I forgot to cherish her. I forgot to remind her how much she means to me. It felt like my whole world was torn apart, everything that I thought I knew was flipped upside down. I never thought I would lose her, I just always saw us together... taking on the world together no matter what came our way. I mean after everything we've been through, it couldn't have gotten any worse for us. I felt empty inside, I felt anger and sadness all at the same time. I struggled with a lot of different things but I knew I had to continue my life for her.

    Then the moment I thought I couldn't do it anymore she comes back into my life. I thought for a second I actually ended my life and I was finally in heaven, finally with her again. It was bittersweet because I knew she would have wanted me to live my life but it was great because I was able to be with her again. When she told me this was real life I didn't know how to react. I mean, how could you react to someone when you think they were dead. Anger and pure happiness, that's the best thing I could describe it as. Like you are more than happy to see it but can't understand why it's happening. I don't know. I struggled like everyone else trying to make sense of it, trying to accept it, to forgive. I've gotten better, but I think I was more focused on that than I was with being with her.

    Every moment with her I didn't take for granted, when I looked at her it was like I was seeing her for the first time. Every time we kissed or made love it felt like the first time, each time just as magical as the last. Our late night conversations, our endless jokes and serious talks. There's nothing I would replace, she makes me completely happy. I just wish I could have made our time together better. A lot of it was focused on our negative issues, I always asked her why certain things happened or why couldn't things be different.

    There's one thing I know for a fact, that I am in love with Tris Prior, and I just need her back.


A/N; The Calm Before The Storm.


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