Chapter 34

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Tobias POV

    "So how have you been?" Amar asks, I shrug "A roller coaster." He nods and leans against the wall, "I know it's been rough, and at the same time it's like everything is perfect. If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you." I nod, fighting the urge to say what's on my mind. He places a hand on my shoulder, "I mean it Four, I'm here." I tense up, "Hard to open up to someone who was apart of all of this, who knew my girlfriend was alive and didn't tell me." He takes his hand off my shoulder and sighs, "I can also understand why you're mad at me for that, you have every right to be angry. There was no way for me to tell you, I promise to be truthful with you now Four. Dauntless honor, just so you know how serious I am." I nod and look over at Tris.

    The second she realized who was at the door she ran over, inviting them in without a second thought, and actually was smiling. I haven't seen her that happy in the past few days for anyone besides myself. When I mention Christina or Caleb she didn't light up like she used to, I mean I can understand because things have been tense but at the same time it hurts because she's happier with the Bureau. I can't hear what Elena and Tris are talking about, but they look like they are joking around about something. It reminds me of when we were back at Dauntless and her and Christina would hang out.

    I look back at Amar and he's looking at me sideways, probably confused. "Why so tense Four? Something wrong?" I shake my head, I don't feel like opening up to him. Then all of a sudden I can hear Johanna's voice in my head, 'Anger leads to hate, hate leads to suffering. Forgiveness is always a way to freedom.' I shake my head and suppress a chuckle, of course Johanna's words of wisdom would pop up in my head. I clear my throat, "Just didn't expect to see you guys here, last time we saw each other David was there and wanted Tris to stay." He nods, "It's probably still hard being around David, I actually haven't seen him lately." He keeps talking as I look back at Tris and see Bruno standing with them now.

    I clench my fists and debate on going over there, seeing them all talking and laughing. I keep myself back because of how happy Tris is, she probably does miss her old friends. This is the most I've seen her smile, the most I've seen her laugh. It's like old Tris in a way, I smile a little and turn back to Amar, who is still talking. "Abeni is more visible than David, haven't really had a chance to talk to her much. I was going to see David one day and she was sitting at the front desk wearing some type of costume. Can't really tell what it was for but I'll give her props for making the work environment more fun, it balances with David's seriousness. Then while I was waiting for David she starting making some random noises, scared me at first but it was all for a good laugh. I heard she's close to David, so hopefully she's making David a good person."

    I nod, "Well she seemed pretty serious when I was there, but she's probably an interesting person. I just don't trust anyone who would be friends with David... he is a bad man." He nods, "He forgot about it all, I don't trust him but I would like to give him the benefit of the doubt. When Tris was there everyone was working for equality for the GD's." I tense up as I remember the moment they said I was damaged, I felt like I wasn't whole. I shake my head and focus on Amar, "They've been pretty successful, I mean since the serum was released the GD problem wasn't as bad as it used to be, but Tris wanted to make sure it stayed that way."

    I smile and think of how hard Tris was working, wanting equality for everyone. That it didn't matter if you were pure or damaged, everyone was the same. All of a sudden I feel a tap on my shoulder, it's Tris. "Do you mind if I talk to Amar alone for a few moments?" I shake my head and walk over to Bruno and Elena. This should be interesting.


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