Chapter 9

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Tris POV

    I wake up next to him again, he's already looking at me smiling. He kisses me softly and whispers in my ear, "Good morning sleepy head." I can tell he just woke up just by the sound of his voice, I lay my head on his chest as he holds me tighter, it feels so right just to lay right next to him. It's all I want to do. I feel complete when I'm right next to him, he is my other half. I look over at the clock which says it's 3 o'clock in the afternoon, I groan as I realize I should probably get up. I slowly start to rise as he pulls me back towards him, "Where do you think you're going?" he chuckles. I look over towards the door, he shakes his head and pulls me into his arms.

    "Tobias I really missed this, I could stay in bed with you all day and wouldn't mind." He nods and we lay there in a comfortable silence, there was so much peace in the room you would think the Amity lived here. I look up at him, "Can we do this all day, just you and me." He looks down, "You don't want to see everyone?" I shake my head no, "I spent too long without you, they should give us a day to ourselves." He agrees and holds me close, we doze off here and there but then we start watching movies. Movies were recently introduced to everyone in Chicago, at the Bureau movies were common so it didn't shock me as much when I saw Tobias had a DVD player.

    I can't think of a more perfect way to be spending my day, cuddled up next to Tobias watching movies and loving each other all day. I remember in the Bureau this is all I wanted, and now that it has finally came true there's no way I'm letting go.

Tobias POV

    I'm still so scared. I'm scared to lose her. I mean I don't show it often which is good that I finally was able to control my fear, but it's still always in the back of my mind. She looks so beautiful watching the movie, how engaged she is with the movie is fascinating. I can't stop thinking how lucky I got and how beautiful she is. We finally have a chance to be like a normal couple, in the past there was so much going on, with the war and then being apart... but now we can finally be together and in love.

    That is if she chooses to stay with me, I know she had a thing with Bruno. I believe her when she said it was something small and not serious, but it affects me more than it should. A lot more than it should. I mean I can understand why she did it, she never thought she was going to see me again. I would like to think maybe one day if she never came back I would move on as well, but just as that thought went through my head I knew it was a lie. Tris is my everything, the only person I opened up to completely. Without her my life wasn't the same, it was going downhill. I could never move on.

     She must know I'm deep in thought because she asked me how the movie was, thankfully I already seen this movie so I can act like I've been watching it. She buys it and snuggles up next to me, it feels nice actually. We haven't been able to do this, relax and show our love towards each other. In the past it was more like we would show our love when the other really needed it, now we can show it whenever we please. I don't mind it, I really do love her. More than anything in this world, I just hope she stays.

    For the rest of the day we just lay on the couch and relax, watching movies, cuddling, kissing... the usual for a couple. I offered to make dinner tonight because I have a feeling she's still tired after everything that happened. I could tell she really wanted to cook though, maybe she learned a lot at the Bureau. That night I didn't want to sleep, even when Tris fell asleep, every time I open my eyes I'm scared that she'll disappear. I can't lose her again.


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