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James's point of view

I wake up in the hospital bed next to Tyrone. He is reading a book in peace. He looks up from the book and smiles. How can he smile? Does he know about Aaron? If he does, how can he be happy? Our friend just got shot and he's smiling at me? That's ridiculous.
I decide to sit up.

Tyrone-"Hey! Glad to see that you're up and about."

Me-"What happened?"

Tyrone-"You were following Aaron's gurney into the surgery room. The nurses didn't like that too much so they tranquillised you."

Me-"I see that, but how is Aaron?"

Tyrone-"He's doing fine. He made it through surgery ok and should be up and about in a few hours. Jeremy is over in his room right now."

Wow, he's already fixed? He's ready to wake up and talk? They fixed him? I thought it would be impossible but I guess I'm wrong.

Me-"Really? He should be up and about soon?"

Tyrone-"Yeah, he's on loads of meds along with his daily dose of heroine."

Me-"Wow, that's cool."

     I'm super glad that Aaron is making a good recovery. I hope Jeremy is taking it ok.
Jeremy's point of view

     I'm really happy that the nurses could fix Aaron up and get as good as new. Truly I am. He's such an amazing guy and...ha ha ha. You thought I was being for real? No, I could care less about him. All I was trying to get from him was sex and free heroine. I haven't had good heroine in 5 years. I thought it was time to get back in the swing of things.
     Don't give me that sappy story of how we should fall in love and I should change Aaron's ways of being a drug addict. It's worthless. No matter what happens you always come back to whatever drug you got hooked on. You're probably surprised that I feel this way. I don't know why. It's clear that I just want Aaron for the sex but since he's shot I Gotta be nice and sincere. Pathetic.
     Why should I be sincere when all I want from the junkie is some good heroine and good sex? It's worthless. My plan is worthless. Now he's gonna be dreary and lousy. He'll be moping around the house trying to get sympathy. All I'm giving him is either a hj or he's giving me every sex out there. I will not let him get whatever he wants. Let's see how he feels when he wakes up.
Aaron's point of view

     I wake up to an empty room. It's bright and dissy. My head is swirling at a million miles per minute. I suddenly see Jeremy walk through the door and I smile.
     He looks like he didnt get any sleep. He was probably up all night worrying about me. I try to sit up but I cant feel my arms.they're numb. Damn, I must be on tons of medication. I eventually sit up with the help of Jeremy.

Jeremy-" How ya feeling?"

Me-"Good, a bit of pain now and then but other than that I'm felling pretty good."

Jeremy-"Good, the doctors said that you should be able to move about in an hour."


Jeremy-"For now you should rest up."


     Jeremy says goodbye and I'm left by myself. I never realised how quiet and lonely it is in a hospital. There aren't many people coming to visit and doctors don't stop in to see how you're doing. Its boring. I wonder where James is.
James point of view

     I decide to get up and help Tyrone get his stuff ready. Today he gets to go home and even more miserable than he was with just the cast. Yay for me! This'll be fun. Before I leave I go to check up on Aaron to see how hes doing. I walk in and see him fast asleep. I guess I'll have to check in some other time.
     I help Tyrone outside to the car when Jeremy comes running up behind us. He grabs Tyrone's other arm and helps me carry him out to the car.
     I hope Aaron will be ok being alone tonight. Maybe I should stay to keep him company. I decide to stay while Jeremy goes back to the house to watch over Tyrone. I walk into the room and sit down in the chair next to Aaron's bed and wait for him to wake up.

To be continued...

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