The Friend

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     James and I head back in once we are done. I walk in and I see the most beautiful man walking over to the bar. I turn to James and ask who he is and James says.

James-"That's Ivan, he's the owner of the club."

Me-"He's the owner? I bet he gets a lot of attention."

James-"Ha, he wishes. Sorry, I'm always rude to him. He's my best friend."

Me-"Wait, you know him?"

James-"Well duh. I just said he's my best friend."

Me-"That must be cool. To know the owner."

James-"It has it's perks."

     I don't know what's wrong with me but Ivan is super hot. I've never had this feeling towards anybody before. Oh god, what's wrong with me?

James-"Want me to ask him out for you."

Me-"What?! No! I don't even have feelings towards him."

James-"Uh ha, just keep telling yourself that."

Me-"Lets get this straight, I DO NOT have feelings for Ivan."

James-"Ok, ok. You don't have feelings for him, I get it."

Ivan's point of view

Me-"Hey Charles, do you see that guy over there?"

Charles-"You mean James? Yeah, he's your best friend, did you forget?"

Me-"No dumbass, the guy talking to James."

Charles-"No, he's a newbie. Want me to ask James who he is for you?"

Me-"No, I'll ask myself."

     I walk over to where James and the newbie are.
Aaron's point of view

Me-"James, why is he heading over here?"


Me-"HIM. He's coming over here right now."

James-"Well maybe it's because his best friend is over here."

Me-"Yeah, stupid me."

Ivan-"Hey James, nice to see you finally came back."

Ivan grabs James and messes his hair up playfully. Is that what normal people do to show friendship? I don't know but I go along with it.

James-"Hey, it's hard trying to go out to clubs when you have a fiancé."

Ivan-"Speaking of him, how is Tyrone? I heard he broke his arm trying to do a trick on a dirt bike."

James-"He's doing good, he complains about every little thing though."

Ivan-"Ha, that must be fun."


They start breaking out in laughter and I'm just standing there being awkward. James notices.

James-"Ivan, this is my new neighbor Aaron."

Ivan-"Nice to meet you." He reaches out to shake my hand.

God damn, his voice is so deep and sexy. And his hands, they are so firm and soft. What the hell is happening to me. This isn't normal! Just play it cool.

Aaron-"Hi, nice to meet you too."
Ivan's point of view

Holy shit, he's hot up close. His messy hair gives him that sexy effect. Shit, I got myself in a hole. I'm already sweating. Why did I think it was a good idea to do this? Just play it cool.

Me-"So, you moved into that big house next to James huh?"

Aaron-"Yeah, I was fortunate that James is such a nice person to come and take me out to this club."

Me-"Yeah, he's one of the nicest people I know, next to his fiancé Tyrone. Together they make the perfect match."

Aaron-"I really can't wait to meet this fiancé. I've already heard so much about him."

James-"We can do it tomorrow. Why don't you come over for lunch?"

Aaron-"Sounds fun. Can't wait."

James-"Why don't you join us as well Ivan. Been awhile since we've had you over at the house."

Me-"Sound like fun. I would be happy to join you."
Aaron's point of view

Great, he's coming over tomorrow to have lunch. I just wanted to meet James's fiancé and now I have to deal with Ivan and my stupid feelings towards him.
James talks with Ivan for another hour and it's now 2 in the morning. James looks at his phone and realizes this.

James-"Sorry Ivan but we gotta leave."

Ivan-"No problem, see ya later."

James-"See ya later"

Ivan-"Nice to meet you Aaron, I had fun"

Me-"Nice to meet you too."

To be continued...

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