Mr. Thomas

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Trip is the only person who fully understands me. He gets why I pick fights and why I find comfort in heroine. He's asked me multiple times to quit and go to rehab, and I refuse every time. I have awful nightmares if I don't use. History that haunts me, keeps me from acting on my feelings. He's been there to witness them, held me as I've cried. He knows I'll never go to rehab on my own. He's given me a safe place away from my father, as long as I don't leave my needles everywhere. He's helped me save for the house, fed me so I don't starve. Emily wouldn't even look at me when I first came around, yet here I am sitting across from her at the dinner table. Probably the most she's talked to me in the last two years. It almost feels like I'm a part of a family.

Emily- "So, how does it feel to be the most successful 18 year old I've ever met? I mean, a house right after high school?"

Trip- "He's worked very hard to get where he is, I'm proud of you."

Me- "Don't get sappy on me. It feels nice, a fresh start, freedom."

Emily- "I'm glad to hear it, we finally get our couch back."

Trip- "Hey, its not like we used it before."

Emily- "I just mean it'll be nice for him to have his own bed. His own space."

Me- "It will be. I appreciate having a place to crash if it means anything."

Trip- "Of course, didn't want you going back to your father's."

Emily- "So, you heading to the house after this?"

Me- "Yeah, already have a bed and furniture. Just have to unpack a few boxes."

Trip- "How about I come with you after dinner and help unoack?"

Emily- "I'm sure he's fine. I can't imagine there's a lot to unpack."

Fuck Trip, don't piss her off. Just agree to stay here.

Me- "She's right, I should be fine on my own."

Trip- "Nonsense, we went shopping together. I know how much needs unpacked. I'll drive you there after dinner and help."

I can tell Emily didn't like that conversation, which in turn made the rest of dinner extremely awkward. Trip and I go to his car and head to my new house. Still doesn't feel real. Of course, I didn't tell my dad. I don't need him making a random visit. We drive for 20 minutes, houses passing by until it turns to just trees. I wanted to be far enough away from town. I wanted a fresh start, somewhere no oke wouod know me. We pull into the driveway, and the house is massive, way too big for me, but that just means I can do whatever I want. It's definitely a fixer-upper, but I've got plenty of time to make it my own. I grab the key and unlock the front door. It's so empty, besides the boxes strewn everywhere.

Trip- "I think your house might just be nicer than my shitty apartment. Definitely an upgrade."

Me- "Still can't believe it's mine."

Trip- "Well, believe it, let's start opening some boxes."

Beep Beep Beep

My alarm. I time how long I can go before I start fiending for heroine. It comes in handy, but this is definitely bad timing. I quickly turn it off and return to opening boxes.

Trip- "You know you can get it in, right? I know how irritable you can get."

Me- "No, I don't want to ruin the moment. I wouldn't be able to help if I do."

Trip- "We'll start in the morning then. Just hang out and chat for tonight."

I agree and step into my bedroom and get my dose in. My bedroom, huh, I dont think I'll ever get used to this. I take my dose, stumble out to the couch, and sit next to Trip. We talk and laugh for hours. No Emily to get pissed off at me, just us being us, together. Fuck, 10 year old me wouldn't believe this. No paranoia of my dad just walking through and fucking me up because he had a bad day. No tears, no bruises to ice...well, maybe not that last one. Just me and my best friend enjoying each other's company. Trip gets up and says he gonna go pass out in the spare room. I sit on the couch for a little bit and take in everything. A whole house to myself, this is the beginning of my life.

To be continued...

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