The Club

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James and I are heading to a club when he asks me,

James- "Do you mind if I ask what your sexuality is?"

     I kind of expected the question but I was a little taken aback about how out of nowhere it was. I reply with,

Me-"No it's ok." He looks at me relieved.

James-"Ok, so what is it?"

Me-"I'm gay."

James-"Really?!? That is awesome! I'm gay as well!!"

I didn't realise he was gonna be that excited over it or I wouldn't have told him.

Me-"It's really not that big of a deal."

James-"Yes it is! You look super straight. I honestly was scared to even take you to my favourite club tonight cause it's a gay club. I thought you would have a problem with it."

Me-"No it's ok. Let's just get to the club."

That was really awkward. I honestly regret telling him that.
Anyways, we get to the club and it doesn't look too bad. Kinda looks like where an underground heavy metal concert would be held. We get into the club and I see a large variety of men and women dancing.
I didn't realise how many people came to these. There are people of all ethnicities and backgrounds dancing together and having fun. I guess tonight won't be so bad after all.
James goes to get us some drinks while I stand and try to converse with the people around me. I end up making two friends who I had no idea I would have anything in common with. James comes back with our drinks and we talk with 5 other people for what feels like the whole night.

James-"Hey, wanna dance?"

Me-"I don't dance."

James-"Come on. Everybody can dance."

James drags me out onto the dance floor but once he lets go I hurry back over to where we were standing. It's not that I can't dance it's just that I can't handle having everybody look at me. I also can't handle having tons of people around me. In such a tight space I freak out and start hyperventilating.
James heads over and understands this and talks with me for another hour. All the sudden as I'm talking with him my alarm goes off on my watch. I guess it's time to get my dose in for today.

Me-"Hey, I'm gonna step outside real quick. I'll be back."

James-"Oh, I need some fresh air as well. I'll come with."

Me-"No it's fine. I'm just gonna step out for a second."

James-"Come on, I'll show you the best spot to get some fresh air."

     What am I gonna do? I can't let him know that I'm a drug addict. We head outside and James leads me to the top of the roof. There are so many people up here, why? James leads me over to the side of the roof and he pulls out what looks like a joint.

James-"Go on, you can get your heroine out now."


James-"Oh come on, it's not hard to tell that you are a heroine addict. I saw your alarm go off. Might want to get your dose out. It's not fun to wait."

     Is it that easy to tell that I'm a heroine addict? I don't know but I take my needle and equipment out and get my dosage in. I feel a lot better now.

To be continued...

Aaron Flexحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن