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The next day
Aaron's point of view

     After the "interview" I go home and try to figure out what clothing to wear to work tomorrow when I hear a knock at the door. I swear to god if it's Trip again I'm gonna kill him. I walk to the door and look through the the peep hole, it's Tyrone.
     I open the door and greet him.

Me-"Hey, what's up Tyrone?"

Tyrone-"Nothing much, James suggested that I ask you if you'd like to go shopping for work clothes. I guess it's supposed to give us more time to bond or whatever."

     I didn't realize Tyrone was so similar to me. His attitude and mannerisms are exactly like mine. I think I'm gonna like going shopping with Tyrone.

Me-"I guess I could use some help getting work clothes."

Tyrone-"Thank god, I need some time away from James. He thinks I'm helpless with this stupid cast on."

Me-"I'm glad that I'm giving you a break. Let me get dressed and I'll be out. You can come in if you want."

Tyrone-"Thanks. Hey, you don't mind if Jeremy comes with us do you?"

Me-"No, it's cool."

Not cool, NOT COOL! I can't spend the whole day with him. I wouldn't be able to help myself. Uhhhhh, this sucks. I guess I'll have to deal with it.
I get my baby blue button up shirt with my navy blue vest and a pair of black skinny jeans with, of course, my black combat boots. I guess I'm ready to go shopping. Ew, I never thought I would ever say that. I guess things have changed.
I come out of my room and I see Tyrone staring at me with wide eyes.

Me-"What's wrong?"

Tyrone-"Nothing, it's just that you look amazing. I didn't think you could look gay, but I stand corrected."

Is it possible to look gay? I have no idea but apparently I'm the epitome of it. Great.
We get in the car and head over to Jeremy's house. When we pull up I'm amazed. His house is 3 times the size of mine and mine is huge. We pull up and Jeremy comes running out in the most casual outfit. A plain black t-shirt with black, ripped skinny jeans with a pair of bright ass pink combat boots.
Who looks gay now? Not me. I have to admit though, he looks amazing. The shirt shows just the right parts of his body. I need to stop before he notices. He stops right in front of the car, deciding if he wants to sit in the back with me or sit in the front with Tyrone. He quickly gets in the back with me and we head to the mall.

Jeremy-"Hey Aaron, what's up? Damn, you look nice today."

Me-"Nothing much, just heading to go shopping for the first time in my life. And thanks."

Tyrone-"You're welcome and hold on a minute, you've never gone shopping before?"

Holy shit, I never realized how deep his voice is, it's almost as deep as Ivan's. Let's not think about him right now.

Me-"No, I've never gone actual shopping in my life."

Jeremy-"Well then I'm glad we are the first people to take you out shopping."

Me-"Me too. If it weren't for you two I would show up to work in a button up and vest with my combat boots."

Jeremy-"Yeah, you definitely need new clothing."

We all laugh cause it's true. After about an hour of talking we arrive at the mall.

To be continued...

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