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     Finally, the last day of high school. Fuck everybody in this shithole. The only reason I'm here is to walk that stupid stage and get my diploma. A little fuck you to my dad, make my mother proud wherever she is. I fully intend to be high all day, cant stand how emotional everyone is. Not a single one of my "peers" are good people. They spread rumors, bully, and cause people harm. That's where I come in, I can't get justice for what happened to me but I can sure as hell can get it for others. I'm the one in the wrong though, bullshit. All anyone can see is a junkie, a trouble maker. I don't think I can remember everyone's asses I've kicked, but I know they deserved it. I've been suspended twice this year. Unfortunately, that means staying home with my father. At least I had a week or two to heal up. I wish I could say I've landed a hit or two on the old man, but he's still got the upper hand.
      10 o'clock arrives, and it's time to meet my dealer. He's not a bad guy, but he only listens to money. You don't have enough? Too bad find your drugs somewhere else. I've never had that problem. I get to our spot, and there he is with what looks like 5 other guys around him. Must be a busy day, don't blame them. Being in this school for one more second sober would drive me mad. I start to walk up when they all turn around. Fuck, this doesn't look good. I turn away and start heading back to the school. Three of them run up next to me and try to get my attention.

Guy #1 - "Hey Aaron. Don't want your heroine?"

Guy #2 - "Yeah, come on. We know you can't last all day without it."

Me- " Fuck off, I'll find somewhere else to get it."

     The first guy grabs my shoulder and turns me around so that I'm facing him.

Guy #1 - "You fucked with the wrong guy buddy. You'll fucking pay for what you did to Blake."

     HA, that mother fucker got what he had coming. He thought that fucking with someone three years younger than him was a good idea. Shit rolls downhill.

Me- "He got what he deserved."

      As soon as I finish my sentence he punches me right in the face. Before I can react they're all on top of me. I can't fight them off there's too many of them. I can feel their punches landing, losing breath, feeling bones crack. All I can do is take it all and hope a miracle happens to get me out. That's when I hear it.

Trip- "Get the fuck off of him! You all want to graduate today? I suggest you go back to class then."

     I can't see anything with how swollen my eyes are becoming.

Trip- "What the fuck are you doing out here?"

     Trip or "Mr. Thomas" as he prefers to be called is the only teacher to take an interest in me. He apparently sees potential in me which I highly doubt. Nonetheless he's helped me quite a few times.

Me- "Getting my ass kicked, obviously."

Trip- "You have quite the tendency to do that."

     He grabs my hand and lifts me up. I have to put my full weight on him. He takes me to his classroom where he sits me down at his desk. The walls are empty, ready for next year. It's weird not seeing his globe or maps. Trip is a world history teacher, and he's REALLY into it. If you'd let him, he'll talk for days about it. I will admit I have indulged him a few times, actually learned a thing or two. Pictures of his wife litter the desk, she's pretty. Brunette hair, emerald eyes, toned body, if you're into that. Trip makes his way over to me with a first aid kit and an ice pack.

Trip- "Now, tell me why you were getting your ass kicked this time."

Me- "I didn't do anything that wasn't deserved."

     He laughs.

Trip- "I dont doubt that, but you've never had that many guys coming at you at once."

Me- "Remember when I kicked Blake's ass?"

Trip- "Sure, he's the one that bullied the freshman, right?"

Me- "Yeah, I guess they didn't like that too much..OUCH! Fuck, be a little gentler will you?"

Trip- "Sorry, I have to clean out the wounds. about after graduation you come over and I'll make dinner?"

     Trip has let me crash at his place on and off for two years when shit gets messy at my place. His wife isn't too happy about it, but she knows he's just trying to help.

Me- "You sure Emily won't mind?"

Trip- "She actually came up with the idea. I guess she's getting used to you being around."

     After some convincing, I agree to go to dinner, and Trip sends me to the auditorium. This gown feels like plastic, smells like it too. The fucking cap won't stay on my head either. I'm stuck in this auditorium surrounded by 400 of my "peers" and their countless family members. Here I am with no one to cheer me on except Trip. As they call my name I can hear him hoot and holler. Me, a fucked up 18 year old with honestly no future ahead of me. I grab my diploma and go to shake the principals hand.

Principal- "I don't know how you managed it but actually graduated. If you want to become anything, you need to get your act straightened up. The real world will eat you up and spit you out."

      I walk back to my seat, and all I can do is stare at the diploma. Finally, something that I've done right. There you go, mom, just for you.
To be continued...

Aaron Flexजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें