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Aaron's point of view

     I'm kind of excited for tonight. I think Jeremy and I hit it off well while shopping. We both helped each other pick out some outfits, honestly he probably won't wear the shirts anyway.
     So we come back from shopping and Tyrone invites us to come over and swim for a few hours, of course we both say yes. I run over to my house and grab my swimming outfit, yes, I wear both swim trunks and a swim shirt. Get over it.
     I quickly change and run back over to the house. Once I get to the door I calm down and knock on the door. James opens the door and welcomes me in. He's already dressed in his trunks and I can see every chiseled ab. Damn, Tyrone definitely got the perfect package, nice, funny, and ripped as all hell.
     We walk out the back door to the patio where both Tyrone and Jeremy are standing with no shirts on. Damnit, I'm the only one with a shirt on. Now I feel like they are staring at me and judging me. Great.

James-"Look who finally showed up."

Jeremy-"Looking good Aaron."


Tyrone-"Now that everyone's here let's start swimming!"

     Tyrone walks over to the stereo and puts on some music and all three of them run over to the pool. Tyrone can't really swim so he pushes James into the water.

James-"Holy shit! The water is so refreshing. Aaron, come on, get in the pool."

Me-"I'm coming."

     I'm just about to get in when my alarm goes off. Shit! I turn it off and continue walking over to the pool. Before I can get in James stops me.

James-"You can go and get it in if you want. We'll all still be here when you come back."

Me-"Nah, it's cool. I can go without it for a little bit."

James-"Not a good idea, head up to the spare bedroom and get it in, I'll tell them you're going to the bathroom."

     I guess there's no point in trying to argue. I head up to the spare bedroom and I can hear Jeremy ask James where I'm going.

James-"He has to piss."

Jeremy-"Ah, of course."

     They all go back to swimming and I get my needle out and get my dose in. Honestly heroine is getting on my nerves. Whenever I'm trying to socialise I Gotta leave to inject it into my veins. Maybe Trip was right. Maybe I should start rehab.
     Once I'm done I head back down the stairs. I'm about to walk outside when I hear all three of them talking about me.

Jeremy-"You guys chose a good one. I think he'll do good being a bar tender. Maybe it'll change his mind in the whole heroine thing."

James-"Wait, what did you say?"

Jeremy-"Oh come one, you didn't think I wouldn't figure out? I thought you guys knew me better."

James-"I figured you would but not this soon."

Jeremy-"Seriously? I would have thought since I was a heroine addict you wood realise I would know right off the back."

Tyrone-"I knew you would find out, it's obvious to you since you went through all of it."

James-"Am I the only one who didn't think you would find out?"

Jeremy-"Yes, and honestly I'm quite disappointed. I thought you knew me better."

     Wow, Jeremy acts like me. He acts like a psychopath. I guess that's what happens when you take heroine for so long. I decide to walk out.

James-"Hey! We were just taking about you."


Jeremy-"You heard everything we said didn't you?"

Damn he's good.


James-"I'm sorry, he figured it out."

Me-"Nah, it's cool."

Jeremy-"See, not that big a deal. Now, let's get back to swimming. Aaron, you gonna take off your shirt?"

James-"Jeremy! Leave him alone!"

Me-"No it's fine James."

I slowly take off my shirt. Damnit, I hate when I'm pressured to do this stuff. It's not like I can say "Go fuck yourself, Imma do me and you do you." That's too rude, even for me.
I decide to take my shirt off and the reaction from Jeremy makes my mind churn. It's trying to figure out what the look means. It's a collision of multiple different emotions. I'm so confused. Is he surprised, is he disgusted, is he impressed? I don't know but I'm not getting a good vibe from it.

Jeremy-"Damn, you are ripped."

What?! How in the world am I ripped. I'm fucking fat as all hell. How can he possibly think that I'm attractive? I have no idea but in the back of my mind I feel relieved and somewhat complimented.

James-"I'll say, why have you never taken off your shirt before? You are honestly in great shape."


I quickly get in the pool and try to forget that moment ever happened. After what seems like hours I have to leave to get ready for my first night at the strip club. I say goodbye and head back to my house.
Today was not what I had planned to be. I honestly didn't see Jeremy as the heroine type. I swore he would be the pot head guy, but nope. He's just as screwy as me.
I get to my house and head up to my room to get dressed. I hope this job works out.

To be continued...

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