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Aaron's point of view

     I get dropped off at my house by James and honestly I feel amazing. Tomorrow is my date with Jeremy and I can't wait. Ew, did I just think that? What the hell is wrong with me?! Why am I falling in love? The last time I did that it ended badly. Let's not talk about that though.
     I got into my house and crash on the couch for I think about two hours. I am then awakened by having terrible muscle spasms. Great, this is what happens when I don't take my dosage in time. I struggle to grab my needle as I convulse and fall off the couch. As I try to reach my needle I hit it and it falls 6 feet away from me.
     I try to crawl to it but I can't. I stop and lay on my back still convulsing. I'm freaking out. Eventually I start throwing up on myself and I can't breathe. I try to turn over on my stomach and with much effort I do. I'm throwing up and convulsing all at the same time and I don't know what to do. I finally tell myself that this might be the end.
James point of view

Me-"I'm glad that Jeremy and Aaron are getting along well."

Tyrone-"More like getting along too well."

Me-"What do you mean?"

Tyrone-"They were getting pretty close on the dance floor if you didn't notice."

Me-"Isn't that what we wanted to happen though? Have them fall for each other and have Jeremy clean up Aaron?"

Tyrone-"Yes, but I feel like Aaron will only bring Jeremy back to the heroine life. We don't want that."

Me-"Oh come on. I think that Jeremy will clean up Aaron and they will be as happy as us."

     I hear a loud noise come from Aaron's house.

Me-"Did you hear that?"

Tyrone-"Yeah, wanna go check it out?"


     Tyrone and I walk over to Aaron's house and knock on the door.
Aaron's point of view

     I'm lying on the floor puking and convulsing when I hear a knock at the door. I try to make a noise but nothing is coming out. I try crawling but I start another throwing up session.

James-"Hey Aaron, you in there?"

     I want to tell them I'm here dying but I can't say anything or make a noise. I give up. This is where I die. No one is gonna find me and no one will realise that I'm dying right now. This is it. This is the end.
James's point of view

     I'm about to leave when I hear what seems to be someone throwing up and I decide to take it up to myself and go inside.

James-"I'm going in."

Tyrone-"Wait, let me go in first."

     Tyrone opens the door and we both walk in slowly. We walk through the kitchen to the living room. We get in and see Aaron on the floor convulsing and vomiting.

James-"Shit, we have to get him to the hospital."

Tyrone-"No we don't. We have to give him his dosage. He must have missed it."

     Tyrone grabs the needle that is almost in the dinning room and brings it over.

Tyrone-"Hold his arm straight while I get the vein ready."

     I do just that and watch Tyrone inject the drug into Aaron. He starts to calm down until he is completely still.

Tyrone-"Now we wait for him to wake and he should be ok."

James-"Let's move him to his room or at least put him on the couch and clean him up."

     We pick Aaron up and put him on the couch. Tyrone grabs a washcloth and wipes the vomit from Aaron's shirt. Now we wait for him to wake up.
Aaron's point of view

     I remember James and Tyrone running over to me as I'm about to give in and die. Thanks to Tyrone he knows what to do. He grabs my needle and properly injects it into my vein. I need to tell him how grateful I am. After that I remember falling into a deep thick sleep. Here come the dreams. The dreams of Jeremy, the dreams of my family. The nightmares about losing everybody. That's the only bad part about using heroine, you get the worst nightmares.

To be continued...

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