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Aaron's point of view

     I get home and crash on the couch. Right before I'm about to pass out I hear a knock at my door. I get up and look through the peep hole and see Trip. What the hell does he want at 2:30 in the morning? I open the door.

Trip-"Hey Aaron! How ya been?"

Me-"What the hell do you want?"

Trip-"I got into a fight with the old ball and chain and I need a place to stay until she simmers down a bit."

Me-"No problem, just hurry up cause I'm super fucking tired."

Trip-"Thanks so much Aaron."

     Trip heads back to the spare bedroom and I'm too tired to go to mine so I crash on the couch. I wake to the sound of my alarm going off. Time for my dose again. I get up to reach for my needle but it isn't in the spot I had put it. I start freaking out.
     I start throwing everything frantically searching for my needle when I see Trip walk out carrying it. I calmly walk over to him and reach out to grab it. He pulls back.

Trip-"Why are you still using this? I thought I gave you money to go to rehab."

Me-"Haven't had the time to go yet."

Trip-"That's it, I'm taking you right now to start it."

Me-"I can't! I have to go to a lunch with the neighbors in an hour."

Trip-"Fine, you go to the lunch and when you get back I'm taking you to rehab."

Me-"Why do I need to go? I'm doing fine."

Trip-"You were just tearing apart your living room looking for your needle. Tell me that isn't "doing fine." You need help."

Me-"I'm fine! You know what I'm getting ready for the lunch and when I get back I'm not going to rehab. If I say I'm doing fine then I'm doing fine. Sure I was worried but at least I settled down when I found it. At least I'm not as bad as most people."

Trip-"Get ready for the lunch."

     I grab my needle out of Trip's hand and walk back to my room. I can't believe he thinks I need rehab. I'm doing just fine without it. I need to forget about it and have fun at the lunch.
Ivan's point of view

Damn I look good today. I got my baby blue button up that's tight enough to outline my muscles, my black skinny jeans, and my dress shoes. I'm a little iffy on the dress shoes though. I saw Aaron wearing combat boots last night so I might wear my combat boots.
I check my watch. It's almost time to leave. Whooo, I'm nervous. Let's see what happens. I leave the house and get into the car. Time to go.
Aaron's point of view

Uhhhhh, I don't know what to wear! Ok, calm down. Let's grab..a blue button up with a black vest, and my black combat boots. Great, looks good. Now let's go over and have a good time.
I get over there and I see Ivan's car pulling up into the driveway. Great, we are both walking in at the same time.

Ivan-"Hey, what's up?"

Me-"Nothing just trying to get to the lunch in time."

Ivan-"How about we talk for a bit."

Ivan steps in front of me and puts his arm in front of the door.


Ivan-"Because we need to get to know each other."

Me-"I'm pretty sure the lunch is supposed to do that."

Ivan gets close and turns me around so my back is against the wall.

Ivan-"I meant a more intimate get to know each other."

Me-"I'm not for that type."

I quickly kick Ivan in the dick and head inside. My opinion on him has completely changed. Why did I even think that he would be decent. Oh well, I'll just get through the lunch and leave.

To be continued...

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