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Songs with Chapter ~

Shouldn't Come Back ~ Demi Lovato

A Year Without Rain ~ Selena Gomez



It's been a week.

A freaking week.

I've been doing great!

If being locked in your room all day, crying in your pillow for 7 days straight is great, then yeah.

I was laying down, just staring at the wall. I had taken down the posters of Austin. I couldn't stand looking at him. Yeah, I have to admit; I miss him. I miss him a lot.

I was supposed to be mad at him. I was supposed to pissed at him. I ran a hand through my hair. I probably stunk. I hadn't taken a shower in 2 days.

I was hungry. I was craving pizza.



I didn't want to think of him. Of his eyes, his smile, his laugh. Everything was so complicated.

Somebody knocked on the door.

"Come in," I muttered. My throat was dry.

Ally walked in my room. "Hey," She said, with a small smile. Why is she handling this better than I am? She was cheated on, & Austin just lied.

Ally sat on my bed. She was wearing a red t-shirt.


Austin's favorite color.

Was everything gonna remind me of him!?

I gave her a forced smile.

"You look horrible." She mumbled.

"Thanks for cheering me up." I sighed.


I sighed again.

"Look Lily, you can't lay in bed forever."

"Austin lied to me." I whispered, as a tear rolled down my cheek. She frowned.

She gave me a tight hug, which made more tears fall. "You have to forget about him," She whispered.

I know I had to. It was hard though. Those past days with Austin were the best days of my life. He made me happy. Even though, we never made it official.. We acted like we were. Like we were normal teenagers in love.

I don't think I loved him. I mean love is a strong word. I liked being around him & I loved when he was next to me or holding my hand. It doesn't matter anyway. He lied, & we're both going to live on with our lives. Even though it hurts.

I guess this how a heartbreak feels. I feel like everything hurts. Especially my heart, each time he crosses my mind.


I looked up & saw Ally staring at me. I had forgotten she was still there. "Sorry, I was just thinking."

She nodded. "I should go now. I'll give you time to rest. Call me if you need me."

"Okay," I muttered. She gave me a small smile, then stood up & went out the door.

This is the same exact thing that happened to me with Jason. He broke my heart. Then I actually thought that I wouldn't let anybody hurt me again. Now look at what happened.

Someone knocked on the front door. Ally must've forgotten something.

They knocked again. If it was Ally, she would've already came in. I stood up, & walked downstairs to the front door. I opened it then regretted it.

It was Jason with a gun in his pocket.



Hey ! I know its a short chapter ;( I'm sorry ! & sorry for the cliffhanger(; I just had to! Don't kill me!

Guess what, my beautiful readers!?

Guess who got tickets to see Demi Lovato, Little Mix, Cher Lloyd & Fifth Harmony in concert!!??

You guessed right(;

THIS GUUUUURRL *Points thumbs at myself with smirk on my face*

I can't wait !(: Its until February, It's like in a lonnnnnng time ._.

Oh, well as long as I got tickets !!!!!! [;

Well thats all (:

Next chapter will be longer ! Dont worry!

Pleaase read my other Fan-Fictions! I think they're better than this one Cx

So yeah(: Byee, Love you all !!

A comment or vote from you makes me smile(; Hint, Hint.

~Michelle(; xx

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