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Songs with Chapter ~

Beautiful People ~ Cher Lloyd

Me and You ~ Coco Jones & Tyler James William


Lily's POV~

I felt empty inside. I felt a hole in my heart. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I couldn't believe Austin didn't tell me. I guess he didn't trust me.

Ally had left a while ago. She had stopped crying, & went home because it was getting late. I thought her & Alex were perfect for eachother. The way she would look at him. The way her face would light up each time he came into the room. I guess that was how I looked at Austin. Was.

I don't think I'll look at Austin the same way again. He made me think I actually meant something to him. It was all a lie. Alex & Austin are fucking jerks.

I never want to see one of their faces again. Never.


It has been 11 hours, 14 minutes, 38 seconds without Austin.

I'm doing just fine.

Alright, I may not be doing great but I still don't want him back here. He could go to Alex & they could run around telling a million girls lies. Just not me & Ally.

I was watching T.v, eating ice-cream, feeling tears roll down my face. Each movie I put, it had to have love in it. It had to have people that fell in love & are happy. Ugh.

I changed the channel & a gossip show came on. It's still better than those romantic movies.

"Hello ! This is your host Miranda Murry,"

"Lets start with Austin Mahone. Today he had a concert, but was canceled because he didn't want to come out. They said he wasn't feeling well ! Mahomies send love to you, Austin ! Hope you feel better !"

I turned off the T.v. I can't believe Austin canceled a concert. He let a lot of mahomies down. I sighed & ran a hand through my hair. I wonder how Ally's doing. She was really heart broken. She still is, I bet. How would I feel if I came in Austin's house, seeing him kissing another girl? Then lying to me.

I grabbed my phone, & turned it on. Ugh, I forget to change the picture in my lock screen. It was a picture of me & Austin at the awards. I ignored it, & went into my home screen. I pressed the twitter app. I looked through my feed, when one of them catched my eye.

@AustinMahone : Sorry to let you guys down ! I was really looking forward to the concert here ! Just been having a bad day. Love you all. x

I sighed for the millionth time today. I looked through the comments.

*****_*** : @AustinMahone, I was really excited, but it's okay ! Still love you with all my heart ! xxxxx

***********_ : @AustinMahone, Hope you feel better ! Love u :) x

Mahomies really cared for him. Well I don't. Not anymore, atleast. I cared for him, alot & I thought he did too.

I walked to my room, not caring if the ice-cream on the table will melt. I laid down on my bed & cried my eyes out. Why does this happen to me ?

Austin's POV~

Silence. That's all I heard, & thats all what I wanted to hear. I sat on the floor in my dressing room in the dark. I didn't want to hear anybody's voice. Only Lily's. I wanted to hear her beautiful voice. Her laugh. I wanted to see her beautiful smile. I wanted her.

I bet she's so heart broken. I can't believe I did that. I promised Alex, I wouldn't tell, but I didn't need to keep it from Lily. My best friend was cheating on her best friend & I didn't do anything to stop him. He was so confused though. He liked Ally, but also Sarah. Yeah, Sarah. She has blondish hair. She is really pretty, but Alex didn't have to cheat.

Because of him, I lost something special in my life.




He should've never told me anything. I could've been cuddling with her watching movies right now.

This was all Alex's fault.

He's going to pay.

Alex's POV~

I felt horrible. Seeing Ally walking through the door. When she gasped & her eyes got watery. I wanted to run up & hug her, but I couldn't. Sarah was sitting there on my lap. Sarah. She has been my girlfriend for 2 months. I love her, but when I met Ally, I wanted to be with her. I didn't want to break Sarah's heart though.

I was going to break up with Sarah that minute, but she jumped on my lap, & started kissing me. I grabbed her waist, & tried pulling her off me, but to Ally, it should've looked like I was kissing her back. When I wasn't.

Ally ran out the door in tears. I couldn't stand looking at Sarah that time. So I broke up with her the wrong way. I feel bad for her also. She didn't know what was going on, & I kicked her out of my house.


I shoved her off of me. She fell on the couch, startled.

"What the fuck, Sarah !?" I yelled.

"W-what's wrong, & who was that girl ?"

"None of your fucking business ! Sarah, we're done! I never want to see you again !"

A tear rolled down her cheek. "Alex, please no. Whatever I did, I'm sorry !"

I shook my head. "Sarah. Out now."

She slowly nodded & stood up. She walked to the door. She turned around to look at me one more time. Then she opened the door, & left.

Flashback Over ~

I know, I know. I was harsh. I just couldn't stand seeing Ally cry. Sarah ended up crying also. I'm so stupid.

I laid on my bed, looking blankly at the wall.

Fuck relationships.

Austin's POV~

Fuck relationships.

Lily's POV~

Fuck relationships.


Before anything, I love Alex & Sarah ! They're so cuuuute, but for the story, she's gonna be a bad girl(; So just waaait !(:

Drama, Drama, Drama cx lol

I'm thinking this story, will have 20 chapters(: This is Chapter 11.

So 9 more chapters !

Thanks for reading, every single one of you !

Don't forget to read my other Fan-Fictions !

'Zayn Malik is My Brother ?' Already has 260+ reads !! :D

Thanks to all of you ! ((: If you haven't read it, you should !

Ok, I'm done talking d;

~Michelle(; xx

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