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I couldn't find any songs for this chapter so I'm gonna put two of my favorite songs :

Turn Your Face ~ Little Mix

Best Song Ever ~ One Direction

Lily's POV

Ally was kissing Alex Constancio. Also known as Austin Mahone's Best friend.

Ally heard me, & quickly pulled away from him.

"Umm.. Hey." She said, awkwardly.

"What is Alex Constancio doing in your house, & why are you making out with him? " I questioned.

"Yesterday, when you left with Austin to Starbucks, I bumped into Alex. He invited me for a walk & we've been hanging out." She answered with a slight shrug.

"So you guys are a thing?"

"Well he's taking me on a date this Friday."

I nodded & looked over at Alex. He quickly stood up. "I should be going. I'll text you later, Ally." He said, waving to her & leaving.

When he walked out the door, I glared at my best friend. "What? He's cute!" She almost yelled, with a smirk.

"You hurt him, & I will kill you in your sleep." I warned her.

"What!?" She shrieked. "Aren't you supposed to be saying that to Alex? I'm your best friend, in case you've forgotten!"

"Well yeah, but come on! He's Alex Constancio! I'm a mahomie, I love Austin, Alex, Zach & Robert more than anything." I answered.

She rolled her eyes before turning on the t.v.There was a gossip show on.

"Austin Mahone with mystery girl!" Those were the only words I needed before jumping on the couch.

"Yesterday we spotted Austin Mahone & a red headed girl in Starbucks. This morning we also saw them together at McDonalds in California! We're really wondering who this girl could be? Is our dear Mahone finally taken? Tweet us your thoughts now!"

On the side they showed a picture of Austin & I walking out of Starbucks yesterday.

"Oh my gosh." I whispered. Ally grabbed the remote and turned it off.

"What do you think Austin will say?" I asked, Ally shrugging her shoulders.

I took my phone out & saw two unread text messages.

From: Austin ;)

Hey ! I'm picking you up tommorow night at 7;30 :) Wear something fancy!

From: Mom

Sweetie I'm getting home late from work. You could sleepover at Ally's if you want. Also, we're going to grandma's tommorow night.

I immediately called my mom. It rang but she didn't pick up. I had to tell her that I was going on a date with Austin tommorow & I couldn't go to grandma's.

I checked the time on my phone. It was 7;38 P.M. Ally was watching 'The Hunger Games so I started watching it too.

Her parents were on a business trip & weren't going to come back until next week, so Ally doesn't care if I sleepover without asking. Two hours later, we both fell asleep on the couch.


I woke up & checked my phone before anything. It was 9;55 A.M. I looked to my right & saw Ally still sleeping.

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