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Songs with chapter ~

All Day ~ Cody Simpson

Say Somethin' ~ Austin Mahone


Lily's POV

I opened my eyes & felt someone holding my waist. I looked beside me and saw Austin. He was still asleep. He looked so peaceful. I managed to get out of his grip softly and quietly.

I walked out of my room & went inside the kitchen. I bet you're wondering; Did my parents find out I went out with Austin? Well they didn't. I called Ally last night, & told her to get out the window & go to her house. Then I texted my mom telling her that me and Ally had walked home. I hope when they came home, they didn't come in my room. If not they would've freaked out, seeing me cuddling with a stranger fast asleep. I didn't hear anybody, so there's a chance they stayed at grandma's.

I went to the refrigerator, & got out juice. Then I decided to make pancakes for Austin & I. When I finished getting out the ingredients, I heard someone come downstairs. I looked behind me, & saw Austin.

"Good Morning, Lily." He said.

"Good Morning." I answered, grinning.

"What are you doing?"

"Making pancakes."

"Can I help?" He asked.

I nodded & got out a bowl. He came up next to me & stared at me. I looked at him confused.

"My morning kiss!"" He said, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. I giggled & kissed him quickly. There goes the sparks. I pulled away & started making the pancakes. "Mix this together." I told him. He got the bowl & started putting flour & the eggs inside. Suddenly he dropped the flour bag & some of the flour went flying everywhere. I looked at him shocked. He had flour on his face and I started laughing. "So you think it's funny?" He asked. I nodded, still laughing. He got a handful of flour & threw it at me. It got all over my hair. I gasped & got an egg. I threw at him & it landed on his t-shirt.

I laughed at him again. He looked pissed. He got another egg & it landed on my shirt also. We started throwing all the ingredients at each other. When there was no more ingredients, the kitchen was a big mess. I was about to tell him we should take a shower now, when the door flew open. Alex & Ally walked inside the kitchen & they gasped. "What the hell happened in here?" Ally asked.

"So.. I decided to make pancakes." I said. Then we all burst out laughing. I didn't notice Alex had a plastic bag with something inside. "Whats inside the bag?" I asked.

"Austin texted me he needed clothes when he woke up." He said. I only nodded & looked at Austin. "We should take a shower."

He nodded & got the plastc bag from Alex. "You guys could order a pizza or something." He said. Alex & Ally nodded & went to the living room, while me & Austin went upstairs.

"You could use my bathroom." I told Austin once we stepped inside my room. He nodded & went inside. I went to my closet & got out my outfit for the day. I got an american flag tank top, & black high waisted shorts.

I stepped inside the guest bathroom, & turned on the water for a shower. I took off my clothes, then stepped inside the shower once the water was warm. I washed my hair and body. When I finished, I dried myself , then put on my clothes. I blow dried my red hair, then put it in a high ponytail. I put on some makeup, brushed my teeth, then stepped out of the bathroom.

Wouldn't Change a Thing «  austin mahoneTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang