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Songs with chapter ~

Introducing me - Nick Jonas

Enchanted - Taylor Swift


Lily's POV

Austin called my name & smiled at the same time. I slowly walked to the center of the room. I took a deep breath & said,

"Hi, I'm Liliana Adams, but everybody calls me Lily. I'm from Sacramento, California. I have wanted to be an actress, for shows, commercials, & music videos since I was little. If I was in this music video, I think it would bring my acting career further. I'm a true Mahomie & being in this music video would also be a dream come true. A little about myself, I live with my mom, dad & 18 year old sister. I am 16 & I am in high school. I know how to drive, cook, & everything a 16 year old could do." I smiled. Austin smiled back & nodded.

"Ok, I guess we're finished. Come back tommorow at 3 p.m to let you guys know which one of you will be in my music video." He grinned.

I was walking towards the main door to go look for Ally. When I was about to walk out, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around & saw Austin standing in front of me. I would be lying if I said my heart didn't stop.

"Would you like to accompany me to Starbucks?" He asked. "It's a bit weird to ask, but."

"Sure." I smiled. He smirked & went in front of me to open the door for me. I blushed & walked through the door. I looked around trying to find Ally. When I didn't see her, I decided to text her letting her know that I'm going to Starbucks with Austin. I pulled out my phone & texted her.

To : The Monster I call my best friend Ally.

Austin invited me Starbucks! You could take my car home, I left the keys inside. Text you later (: xxxxx

I smiled at the contact name I put for Ally. I looked behind me & saw Austin talking to Dave. I couldn't really hear them, but I saw Dave nodding & Austin smiling at him. I guess Austin was asking Dave if he could take me to Starbucks alone or something. Austin waved to Dave & walked towards me.

"Ready?" He smiled.

"Yeah." I answered, as he walked to the door with me right behind him. He opened the door for me once again & I couldn't help but blush once again.

We walked towards a red car, which I suppose was his. I opened the passenger seat & got in. He got on the driver's seat & turned the car on. He drove out of the parking lot & drove to Starbucks.

"So, I bet you're thinking why I asked you to go to Starbucks with me?" He spoke up.

"Yeah, I think it's kinda odd that you would just ask a normal, ordinary girl like me to Starbucks." I said. He chuckled & said, "There's just something about you, you know.." I looked down & blushed, hoping he didn't see me. I've been blushing a lot lately.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt the car go to a stop. "We're here!" Austin said. I got out of the car & followed him inside. You might be thinking 'Wait, so Austin just asked you to Starbucks, & you just said yes, when you met him about an hour ago?' Well yeah, when Austin asked me, I just said yes without a thought. Like if Austin Mahone asked you if you wanted to go to Starbucks with him, you would've said yes? Right?

We went inside, & went to order our drinks. When the cashier said the price, Austin told me he would pay. I was about to say that I had money with me so he didn't have to pay for me, but he obviously refused. I just nodded slowly.

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