*At the guild time skip*

"Y/n! You're lay letter came last night!" Mira exclaims happily while prancing over to me as soon as I push the door to the guild open. My stomach twists in knots and I feel like hurling but I'd rather not do that in front of everyone in the guild.

Almost all the guild members gather around out of curiosity as I read my final letter.

Dear (Y/n),

It's your final letter, congrats. First off I'd like to inform you the final fight is the day you're reading this.
If you bring anyone along, I'll make you watch all their blood drain from their lifeless body before finishing you. So please feel free to bring Gray along!
We will meet on the cliff you lived at while training.

To pay your debt.

"What does it say?" Is being muttered all around me but I can't tell anyone. I will not let anyone in this guild die because of me.

"N-Nothing. Just give me five minutes." I reply while laying down the the nearest bench. "Att återbetala din deby."

Beginning of memories.

A shudder rolls through my whole body as I stare at the messily written letter in my hand, blowing in the wind. Half of me is saying to accept and end it before Kuzaki can find me again and drag me into the mess I was in before.

On the other hand how would I remember I need to train if I forget all my memories, maybe they are the push I need in order to train harder. Also would two years be enough time for me to grow stronger then him.

It has to be. I won't go back to being my brothers personal training dummy.

"God natt gammal smärta och förtvivlan i det förflutna. Kanske en dag kommer allt passera." I say, trying to pronounce the foreign words as best as I can. The paper in my hand starts to glow, slowly traveling all over my body till I'm also shimmering.

Nothing feels odd except my skin feels tight but that's it. I think back to what happened when I was younger but I can't remember no matter how hard I try. A minute ago I was just thinking about the stuff I went through but now I can't.

This is what I accepted so now I should train as hard as I can until the fight.

Wait, why are half my thoughts in a different language but I can understand them still?

I glance back to the bottom half of the letter and see the words that used to look foreign I can now read it perfectly fine.

Good night old pain and despair of the past. Maybe one day it will all pass.

Oh great, that defiantly makes me feel better. The next two years flay by in a flash. I trained up on that hill everyday, growing stronger by the day and never leaving the cave I've slept in for years.

It leaves off on my walking down the street of a town called Magnolia which I had taken a train to. I had made the division to join a guild in hopes of becoming even stronger.

One very popular guild called Fairy Tail was rumored to have the strongest members and I want to join more then anything. It's about seven pm by the time I make it to the guild which means no one will be here and I'll have to find a hotel to stay at for the night.

Outside at night makes the buzzing town of Magnolia seems so peaceful. A single person can be seen walking towards me from far down the street. As they approach they start walking faster and faster until they are sprinting directly towards me.

My brain is commanding my muscles to run but I can't. It feels as if my muscles have turned into cement. The person gets close enough so I can see their basic features and it strikes fear in me straight to my bones.

"Times up." He says in a sinister voice with the most sadist grin playing on his lips. Before he can reach me the darkness I've grown so used to by now takes over.

End of memories.

A damp towel flies off my head onto the floor when I shoot straight up. I gaze at my skin which is glistening with sweat and my chest heaves up and down with each breath.

Worried guild mates are surrounding me. I remember everything. Everything right up to the night before I woke up in Grays house.

"Are you ok?" The question echoed around in my head being asked from everywhere around me.

Today is the fight

and I don't know if I can beat him.

Hi everyone! These next few chapters are gonna be great! (Ready for the long awaited first kiss? It's soon!)

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