Vikklan- Evil (Part 3)

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Lachlan's Pov:

It has been about a week since Vikk took my places, I begged him not to go, but he never breaks his promises. The thing that hurts the most is that Vikk loves me back and he kisses me, but now I can hold him and tell him I love him until I get him back.

So as I said is had been a week since the Person took Vikk from me and it has been a week and I am stuck in London with now idea on how to help him! Then I desisted to call the rest of the Pack and Brandon, I actually really trust the guy.

(L: Lachlan, P: Preston, R: Rob, M: Mitch, J: Jerome, B: Brandon)

M: Where have you been!
J: We have not hear from you for a week, and where is Vikk?
P: Vikk never misses a day to upload and neither do you unless something happens.
L: Well something has happened. Something bad.

Tears start running down my face and Brandon was the first to realize.

B: First off, Lachlan what happened? Two, where are you because you are not in your room, not even in your house.
L: I am in London.....I got kidnapped and Vikk traded places with me.....
R: What?!
P: Lachlan are you okay?
L: No....Vikk told......Wait are you guys......Please don't hate me......I am gay......

More tears ran down my face.....and I sat on one of the park benches.

B: Shhh, Lachlan. You are fine. I know I don't hate you because I am kinda the same.

I lift up my head and I look at Brandon thought my phone.

L: What do you mean.
B: I am Bi, I like both Boys and Girls.
L: That is cool.
M: And Lachlan you are our friend we could never hate you.
P: Now what did Vikk say to you.
L: He said he loved me, and we kissed.
J: Biggums you own me 20$
M: Fine.....
L: You guys bet on that!
M: Yea, you get all Nervous when you are around Vikk and the high difference....And you probably haven't noticed it but Vikk is a totally flirt with you.
B: And you call me Vikk about all the time on H3M
R: And you guys are overall cute together.
P: Now what happened?
L: This person came into my house and Kidnapped me, I feel asleep and woke up in a stranger building. The Person came in and told me he is doing this to scare a little star.
J: No harm right.
L: To me no.......
The Person knocked me out and when I woke up where were in a park, I saw Vikk and he told the stranger to let me go, he did and I ran to Vikk. I asked him not to go. He told me his promised. I then told  him I loved him. He smiled and stood on his toes and he put his arms around my neck and pulled me down into a kiss.....
B: That is really cute.
L: I hugged him and told him I was going to find him and I pulled him into a hug. The Person then told Vikk to come here or we was going to kill me, you guy and his family is he didn't come over to him in 10 seconds so Vikk ran over there and the Person handcuffed his hands behind his back, Vikk turned his head and looked at me, I run off and hide behind a bush to see what would happen.
The Person pushes the gun into Vikk's back and pulls his head back by his hair.
The Person then said this
" You are my Slave, you will do anything and everything i ask you to do. Am i clear Slave?"
Vikk nods his head then,The Person pulls one his hair harder so Vikk was looking into his eyes.
"What Slave."
And I hear Whisper a Yes Master..
The Person then tells Vikk to go next to a red car, he does and the stranger follows. The Person pulls a metal collar around his neck and shoves a gag in his mouth, then puts a blind fold over his eyes.
M: He is protecting you.
L: All of us, because he did say he would kill all of us, if Vikk didn't listen.
J: Guess I missed that part.
L: I wanted to go over there and stop him right then and there but I would have gotten killed, I did get the license plate number.
B: Oh! I got that covered. Can I have the number?
L: Yea! Wait you know how to run a license plate number?
B: No but the DMV does?
P: Peter what are you doing?
B: Give me the License plate number and I will tell you after.

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