In School

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I close my eyes and breathe in real deep. I prepare myself for going in. We walk straight to the band room for Jazz which is my zero hour and was his. When we get there everyone stares at us for a moment, probably to see if we're actually here and if we're really holding hands. "Hi everybody" Ash and I say at the same time. They run up and surround us into a GIANT jazz fam hug. I feel safe and put back in place coming here and I look up at Ash knowing he's enjoying this as much as I. We smile at each other while everyone's shouting "you guys are back, we missed you." From our section we here a lot of "thank God they're back we need them." It's so nice to be back. When Mrs. Goddess sees both me and Ash she says "Welcome back you too, we've missed having you" she looked and sounded on the verge of tears. Asher's a hugger so he gives her a hug while I stand back and choke down jealousy even though she's our teacher. Asher comes back over to me and notices somethings off "Anya are you okay? I can check us out and we'll go right back home. What's the matter?" "I don't know I just...there's so many emotions...I'm sorry." "Stop being sorry, do you want to go home?" "No, I want to stay." "Okay, we'll stay then." "Thank you." "You're welcome."

We help set up with everyone else and Ash still seems worried. I feel bad for making him worried about me. I'm okay. I just get jealous when he's hugging other girls and not me. I don't mean to get jealous, I know he's mine. I can't help it though. He comes up behind me and hugs me tight, then rocks me back and forth "stop being jealous, I'm yours and yours only." "I know, I'm sorry." "Stop being sorry." "Okay." I have my head leaned back so I can see him and he leans in and kisses me. Then we remember we are in school not at home. We only remember because everyone's yelling "red and blue don't make purple in the band room" some of them were saying "aaaawwwww" and " 'bout damn time" We blush and I lean my head on his chest. "Oops." "Yeah we aren't home anymore." "Yeah."

"Wait you guys live together?" now everyone is staring at us with curious faces. No one knows about the things my dad has done and I look at Ash. He says "yeah" with a smile. Right the secretive pretender. Thank you Asher. I smile and sigh with relief and before we know it, class is over.

Ash and I walk into the cafeteria where I know I can find some more of my friends. He stays with me when I walk in following close behind making sure no one touches me, he knows I hate people and I'm scared of them. When we enter the main area with all the tables I here "Anya your back." From all of my cafeteria buddies. Then Sapphire adds "Hey Asher" too because she also plays trumpet and is aware of who he is due to the fact that he is our section leader, or was anyway. Sapphire seams hurt then I realized Ash was holding my hand and I remembered Sapphire is bi and had a crush on me too, and used to have a crush on Ash last year when we met him. I forgot that I wasn't just her friend, I was her everything. I smile and pretend that I don't feel guilty for hurting her and say "Hey everyone this is Asher, from all my babbling." I explain as I feel my face flush red and a guilty smile creep across my face. I hear him go "Awww, really? How cute." I elbow him gently and say "shut up you" and he smiles at me and I can't help but to smile back. All my friends run up and give me hug except for Sapphire who got up and left. I frown and Ash says "come on Anya why don't we go?" I look up at him with tears in my eyes and he hugs me and whispers "come on baby let's go home, I'll collect your homework and call Ma and Pa, I don't think your ready to come back yet." I nod and he keeps one arm over my shoulder and we walk to all of my classes to get my work. We collect my homework and I receive a lot of "Hi Anya" from teachers and other classmates. Some of them hug me and I let them while my anxiety increases. I keep my body close to Asher's and he calls Pa while we walk to the car.

My first day back failed.

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