That's when it happened.

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Anya jolted up coughing, drooling blood all over herself, her eyes filled with fear.

I don't know what to do. Stay strong Ash, stay strong for her. She needs you to not fall apart. Okay. Say something. Make her feel alright.

"Hey Anya, I'm going to call our dads and tell them I'm taking you to the ER they can meet us there. We need to get you some help. I love you."

Okay, okay. Everything is going to be just fine. We're going to get help.

"Alright Anya, I'm going to fix this okay? I'm going to call your dad, my dad, and the hospital so they're all aware that we are coming. I'm going to make sure you're okay. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry I didn't do anything sooner."

Her sobs, her deep crying, I can only imagine her pain. I feel so bad. I knew she was sick, I knew I should've done something.

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