Shit. Shit. Shit. Damn it.

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So after a nice sleep I woke up. I had taken a sleep pill because it would be really creepy if I didn't sleep last night. So did Alberto wake up. He yawned. "You look like a puppy yawning!" I said childishly. He chuckled. "Good morning, Baby Jo." He said with a cute smile.
"Baby Jo?"
"I made it. Nice right?"
My phone rang. It was mom.
"Hello mom?"
"Hey sweety! Morning." She said over the phone." I've packed up all our stuff and yours too. Just something's left we can keep in the car.
"Okay." I tried not to choke. Why did she have to remind this to me.
"Sweety, are you alright?"
"No." I said frankly.
"I know but hey, you're coming today right?"
"Yeah. I am. "
"Great. Guess what!?"
" James and I are going on a Date. And so are you and Alberto."
"What!" My jaw dropped down.
"Hey babe you alright?" Alberto chucked in. "Yeah." I replied to him and continued to talk to mom.
"Mom! Thats so nice of you!" I said with excitement."
"I know right honey! It been so long, me and James have gone on a date."
"Yea. Dad really needs to get his head out of work and focus at family sometimes. Hey mom, call you back later. Need to have my breakfast." Saying so I hung up before she could question me anymore.
I could hear Jane calling me. Yesterday, I realized that her full name was Janessa. That's a cool name though.
I ran downstairs.
"Ooooh. Somebody has got great sleep." Jane said looking at me from top to down and smirking. Shit. Shit. Shit. I was in Alberto's shirt and my shorts. Shit. How did I forget? Damn. Oh yeah. I remember. My shirt was too skin tight so I had worn his. Without asking. As he came down, he saw me. Whole body. He froze still a d asked, "Did we do anything last night?"
Every body burst into laughter. He stood there waiting for me.
"Guys! We did not do anything. My shirt was really skintight so I just wore his. He didn't even know about this! Okay!?" I said blushing lightly.
"Okay, we believe you. Can we please have our breakfast? We're starving."
"Sure!" I looked down at the plate and some pancakes and chocolate syrup.
"Looks great! Who made it?"
"The son of a graham cracker." Jane chuckled and so did Graham and then he gave her a peck.
"Graham? You made this?" I asked him in awe. The pancakes were perfectly round and they tasted so great.
"Yea. I made'em." He said smiling lightly."
"I'm gonna marry him."
Jane chucked in.
We all chuckled. Mick looked happy. Well I think he realised his sister was happy with Graham.
After Breakfast me and Al took a small walk in the garden. He told me a story. About a vampire. A vampire love story. He kept talking about vampires. It was so ironic. He was telling Vampire stories to a Vampire. Then finally he decided go stop and we went inside.

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