Next day.

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Dedicated to Devikaunni14
Thanks for being such a help!

Next day Alberto finally decided to talk to me. Talk to me about 'us'. Our relationship. Ooh! I was so nervous.
(Let me enlighten you)

Few hours ago.

I walked into the class room with a wide smile on my face. But it didn't last long. As soon as the bell rang we all sat down quietly, but the teacher hadn't come so the class was a disaster. In between the disaster, Alberto walked up to me and lulled me in a corner.
"What are you doing Alberto?" I asked annoyingly.
"Do you like me?"
"Alberto not now." I said trying to free myself from his hands.
"Its now of never."
"Why? Are we in some kind of show like fear factor?" I aaid jokingly.
"Im serious."
He looked straight into my eyes with his chocolate ones. Was this really serious? I shouldn't have said that. Oops!
"Tell me Joanna, do you like me?"
"Um....." I had started blushing," umm... Yes. I do."
Now he had freed me and looked really calmed.
"I like you too." He said. "Will you, Joanna George, accept me as your boyfriend?" He whispered.
I was in awe. Did he just propose to me? A vampire?
"Um.... Yes!" I whispered in excitement.


Hey Awesome People! Hope you like the story! It hasnt ended yet! Please Vote, Comment and Share as much as you can and as you can see if you teally do, then I shall dedicate the whole chapter to you! Please suggest me for character's cast and if you can, I'll be really glad if you!

Loads of Love,



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