Back to School Shopping!

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"Joanna, I'm not asking you, I'm giving you an order. You don't have a choice and honey, its going to be okay."

"What about my food? Are you gonna cook the meat?"

"Absolutely. We have to adjust only for sometime. Its a matter of 5-6 months only."

"Yeah, 5-6 months, quite less." Joanna said annoyingly.

"Hon, do you want to go for school shopping? That's a great idea and it will keep you busy!"

"Do I have an option?" Joanna said grinningly.

They sat in the car, "Joanna, hide your fangs and let's roll!" Mrs. George said.

They reached the stationery shop and grabbed a trolley.
"Okay so now, we have to buy some notebooks, pens, pencils, bags, writing pads, glue, tape and whatever you think is necessary."

They took a stroll and picked up all the necessary things and Joanna also bought a cute bag because it matched her personality. The bag had chibi eyes on it, a bow on the top right side and a pair of fangs.

"I'm ready now!" She said to her mom.

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