First Day of School!

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*Joanna's P.O.V*

"Mom, can you drop me?" I screamed. First day of school! Oh god, my veins had turned black. I was worried. What if things went the wrong way? What if i messed up? What if my fangs came out. Vision, vision, oh please show me what will happen today, man! Visions happen at the most unexpected times. You cant force them. Thats what I hate about them.

I sat in the car. Me and mom had a small chat about how to control myself and act as a human.

"So, here we are." I said to mom. I gave her a hug. "Remember what I have taught you. Do not disclose your identity to anyone. Control your fangs and blood craving. To control the blood craving I have put a note and a packet of pills." Saying so mom kissed me and went off to work. I entered the gate. The corridors were crowded and buzzing. I saw the girls around and looked at their clothes. Too fashionable! Mine were like the casual ¾ Denims and a long sleeve striped t shirt. Okay for the first day at least. Yumm..... All the smell of blood tempted me to hunt. But I was too lazy and secondly, it was wrong. I entered classroom A3 and saw all the people sitting infront of me. All of a sudden, someone called me. "Hey sugar, could you introduce yourself. I know your the new girl, right?"
"Um yeah. Well, I'm Joanna George from Transylv...I mean... Pennsylvania. And I'm 16 years old. I like to write stories and poetries."
"Wow! Can you recite one for us? It would be so nice!"

Oh no! What have I gotten myself into! I thought.
"Umm.. Yeah..
I sat beneath the stars,
They gave me light,
They shined bright.
I sat near the trees,
They gave me food,
That was really good.
I sat near the lake,
It gave me water,
The water was sweet.
I'm glad that,
Thy lord,
Gave us so much
To build our future
Nice and strong."

"Wonderful! Take a seat and remove your books. Everybody please cooperate with Joanna as she is new!" Saying so she began with teaching us our first lesson in Chemistry. Then we had Physics, English, Maths and Civic studies. Then we had our break. I went into the cafeteria but the smell of so much blood.... I could also smell AB- blood. The super sweet blood. I wish I could hunt and drink it but no, I took a pill from the packet and popped it in my mouth. Instantly I started hating the smell of the blood. I roamed for a while and finally got a place near a girl, she looked really kind, but she hadn't had a frilly skirt and all that lace. It was just a black sweatshirt and a black jeans. She had her hair tied in a bun with two streaks of hair out. She had a guy sitting next to her. He was a bit fat and wore a blue floral shirt. They both greeted me and we had a small conversation. I realized they were in my class.

"I'm Cady and he's Scott, or you can call him Scotty."

I looked around and I saw a pleasing sight! It was a cute guy! He had a black leather jacket and he wore a full length Denim. His hair was pushed back and he was looking so handsome! I asked Cady about it.
"Thats Alberto. He's Mexican. Girls die to talk to him."

"What about you? Don't you?" I asked.

"Um.. I just don't have an interest in all that stuff, see what I mean."

The day passed away so great!

Surviving High school (AS A VAMPIRE!)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя