Chapter 31

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Alina's POV

As Harry was running to the pharmacy to grab me a test, I still had my head in the clouds. What if I got pregnant.? I'm only 18 for gods sake. I wanted to wait till i was at least 20 or married to have a kid. I gave one child I take care of with Carmyn. Even though she was "adopted" by us, I still call her my own. She kinda looks like Carmyn to. 

I flinched when I heard the front door slam. Then quick foot steps were heard all around the house. I glanced up at the front of the bathroom door when I heard the foot steps stop. I saw Harry holding 3 different pregnatcy test. He handed to me franticly and then left the room. 

I frowned and the closed the door so I could pee on the stick. What joy.

A few minutes later the results came in.




I groaned. So I could be pregnant?

"Harry!" I yelled. He came rushing through the door.

"What? Are you pregnant?" He said rapidly. I shook my head.

"I don't know. Look." I said shrugging then handed Harry the pregnancy tests.

He furrowed his eyes brows.

"So, you could be pregnant?" He said. I nodded. He sighed and then pushed his hair backward. I looked at the wall a head of me.

"Harry?" I said.


"What if I am pregnant?"I said looking at him. He pursed his lips and then sat on the ground with me.

"If you are pregnant then we will get through it together." He smiled. I smiled back. He grabbed my hand and then led me off the floor and into the kitchen. He took the eggs and threw them in the trash. I giggled as he started to take nutella and ice cream.

"Now shall we get fat together?" He asked. His British accent made his sentence seem like he was a king.

"We shall." I said with a fake British accent. Harry seemed to just make the problems float away. I don't know how. I really don't. But someone he just did. i smiled as he pulled out the movie "Coraline". 

He played the movie and grabbed to two spoons so we could dig into the nutella.

In between the movie, Harry had called someone to check if I had a baby. So we had an appointment at 4. Well..I did. 

I grabbed my phone and Harry grabbed the keys and we were headed to I really don't give a shit what it's called, I really just wanna know if i'm pregnant. 

As we started to speed off I was getting more anxious by the minute, my leg was jumping up and down. I started to play with my fingers. What seemed like an eternity we finally pulled up to a Baby Center. I smiled and then qucikly walked over to the front desk.

The older women gave me a weird look but finally looked back at her work.

"Appotiment for Styles." I said to the lady. She nodded and then pushed her red glasses up to her nose.

"Please take a seat." She said without looking at me. I looked at her confused then shook it off and Harry's hand entwined with mine sending shivers down my spine.

As I took a seat everysingle women looked at me. Givivng me weird glances or wispering to each other. I did only what I would do.

"Hey! Ladies! If you have something to say, say it to my fucking face." I yelled codly pointing at my face. They were all tooken back by my voice, but who cares. For all they know, I could have been raped. Harry smirked.

"Alina Styles!" Yelled a women. Me and Harry stood up, entwinign are fingers with each other nad walking down the hallway. The lady pointed to a room and then left. I shrugged as I took a seat on one of the chairs.

A few minutes later a man that looked in his late 50s came in. He smiled as he took a seat infront of the computer infornt of him.

"Hello i'm Dr.Charles." He said.

"I'm Alina." I waved.

"I'm Harry." Said Harry.

"So what brings you here today?" Said Dr.Charles. 

"I want to see if i'm pregnant." I said. He looked at me confused.

"Why didin't you take a  test?" He asked.

"We did but we wanted to know for sure." I said. He nodded.

"I'll come right back with 4 tests." He said. I nodded as he walked out the door. Harry's fingers were still tangled with mine. I smiled at the feeling Harry gave me when he touched me. Soon the doctor came back in and handed me the test.

"The bathroom is on the 3rd door to the right." He said. I nodded and then slowly got up and went into the bathroom.

After taking the test, me and Harry were waiting for the results. What fisnlly felt like hours the doctpr had came in.

"Your not pregnant." He said.I sighed in relive and then I smiled at Harry and he smiled back. I couldn't be more happy that i'm not pregent. I was way to young of course and I still need and education. Which reminds me..

"Harry I neeed to vist my highschool." I said. He furrowed his eyebrows.

"But you hate school." He said.

"Hazza. I missed 2 years of highschool." I said in a 'duh' tone. His mouth formed a perfect 'O' and then he nodded.I tunred to the doctor.

"Thank you doctor." I said and he nodded as he walked out the door. I pulled Harry out the door and then after checking out we headed toward my highschool. 

Also known as my hell.


You dont have to kill me anymore, i updated. :D



You guys are amaZAYN





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