Chapter 25

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Harry's POV

I had quickly finished taking a shower before getting dressed into black skinny jeans and a white plain t-shirt and then added a black formal jacket over. I smiled as I walked to the counter and grabbed my phone before walking out and letting the cold air hit my face. I saw Louis's car and stepped into the passenger side before turning to see the rest of the lads behind me.

"Hey lads, how you guys been?" I asked.

"Good." Zayn nodded.

"How's Alina?" He said.

"She's doing great." I said with a smile.

As Louis started to drive, I told the lads about Alina, her little one and the accident. As we pulled in I stepped out hearing the booming of music. I walked up to the VIP guard and handed him my ID. He nodded as I walked into the VIP club. My eyes spotted the bar as I took a seat. There were more people than usual. There were people grinding on to each other and then of course there were people who would make out.

I never kissed a girl here since I had my mind on Alina and how I could have saved her, but now since she's awake I don't drink about that now. Now I drink because she said we can't be together. I don't have Taylor so I will talk to management and then everything will be cleared out of the way for me and Alina to be together.

"The usual." I told the bartender. He knew I would come every Friday. I tell him everything after I'm drunk because nobody wants to hear it. His name is Mark and he's 50. I know that talking to a 50 year old is weird but he was a really good listener.

"So Harry. How has it been?" He asked in his thick Texan accent as he passed me my drink.

"Allot." I smiled. "Alina woke up." I smiled again.

"Congrats man. Did she find out about Taylor?" He asked. I sighed.

"Yes she did." I said as I placed my lips against the cold tip of my drink and let the burning sensation into my mouth.

"That really sucks man. But tell me the whole story." He said. I nodded as I took another sip.

I told him the whole story. From when she walked into the door when she woke up until I was in the hospital. I had my 5..or 6th drink passed to me. I was feeling really relaxed and giggly.

"I loved her and she loved me, but with Taylor and everything, she didn't want me." I told him. He nodded his head.

"She sounds special. You need to show her that you can care for her and her little one. Tomarrow do something romantic for he and then take her and the toddler to a park or something for a while and she will feel special. I can tel you need her, so go and get her back." He said.

"That's a great idea." I said. I quickly got up and found Louis.

"I'm going back to the house." I told him. He giggled.

"Okay Boo-Bear. You call Paul." He giggled again. I patted his back.

"Take care of yourself and don't do things you won't regret." I said. He smiled as I pulled out my phone while walking toward the exit. 

"Hey Paul. Can you pick me up at the bar me and the lads always go to?" I said

"Sure. Be there in a minute." He said as he hung up.

"Hey." I heard behind me. I turned around to see a blond girl with a strapless, tight and white dress that went to her knees. Her blond hair went to her back and was curled at the bottom. She had green eyes and a few freckles here and there and you could tell she was drunk because she had he left shoe on her hand. Her hand literally went up her shoe like a mitten or glove.

"Um. Hi?" I said. I was drunk but I knew who I loved. She wobbled over to me.

"Maybe you and I could have a" She said biting her lip. I shook my head.

"No thanks." I said turning away from her. Please Paul. Come faster.

"But it could be fun." She slurred.

"Nope." I said.

Your such a party pooper. Well your missing all the fun." She said. I turned around and saw her walking toward the club again and flirting with other guys. I sighed and then turned back around to see Paul.

"Thanks." I said.

"You drunk?" He said.

"Nope." I said. He looked at me harder.

"Maybe." I said. He sighed and then drove off. 

Tomorrow I was planning to take Alina to breakfast and then take her and he little girl to the park. I couldn't remember her name though. I'll just ask later. 

Then everything went dark and then I passed out.


:( I know i'm sorry for a suckish chapters but my halina feels are getting higher :) i'm writing the next chapter already :) 




someones going to shoot me if i don't stop coughing lol :)


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