Chapter 15

441 11 2


A sad chapter for you my loves


Alina's POV

After me and Harry had are make out session we walked into bed. He creeped his hand by my waist and pulled me closer. His heat coming off of his chest calmed me down and I slowly fell into a deep sleep.

*Flash Back*

I was ready. I wanted to kill Micheal for all the suffering he did to me. He killed 4 guys I went out with. I was tempted to tell the police, but I can't risk me and my parents. Even though there never home, I still love them. I was in a black leather jacket and some yoga pants. I took my dads knife that he used for hunting and slowly creeped toward Micheal's house.

I climbed his small tree that lead up to a taller tree that lead up to his room. I quickly slit my knife under the window and prayed that the alarm wasn't on. Luckily it wasn't. I quickly but quietly tip toed by his side. I took a last glance at his body. As my knife raised up and tear slipped through my eyes.

Hands grabbed my wrist and pulled the knife out. I screamed and them turned behind me and saw Micheal. My eyes turned into shock. I was lost for words. He stepped toward me and I took a step back. I kept going back until my back hit the wall. I closed my eyes and cried silently.

"Please don't kill me." I cried. I put my hands on my face. He grabbed my hands and put them over me. He kissed my cheek. 

"I have something else in mind." He smirked. This is the end of me. I'm going to lose my virginity at 14. Only a sick guy does this. I cried again.

I felt hands on my cheeks that brought my head to my shoulder. My cheek burned and pain shot up from my leg. I groaned and fell to the floor straight on my face. I got up and my nose was bleeding and so was my leg. I kicked him with all my streagth were the sun doesn't shine and he fell to the floor. I quickly ran to the window and jumped but then was stopped by strong arms bringing me back inside and throwing me on the bed.

I hit the dashboard with a thud and cried again. I cried as I knew what was going to happen.

This is the end.

I'm going to be a women I guess.

*Flashback end*

I quickly stood up quickly from the bed with tears covering my face. I gasped for breath as I got out of Harry's grasp. I walked toward the bathroom. I grab and pen and paper and then enter the bathroom. I turned on the bathtub and closed the door and locked it. I sat in with my clothes damping to my skin. I didn't care. It should be the end of me. The end of my life. If Micheal is just going to ruin it anyways I just might as well just quit. 

I have nothing to live for. Except for Harry. I love him. I'm going to miss his kisses. The way he looks at me. The way he holds me. Everything. I will watch over him with my little baby. I will be happy. He can find a girl worth fighting for. A girl that has no problems. That has money. That is beautiful. But I can;t give him that. He needs some other girl. Not me. I can't let him into this problem.

If I die. It ends. He finds the love of his life and I watch over him carefuly. I write him a letter and put it on his dresser. I walk back to the bathroom and I put my head under the water and start to sink in deeper. I start to shake and then everything goes dark.

Harry's POV

I wake up to the bathroom tub on. My vison starts to come back as I see a note on my dresser. I walk to it and read.

Dear Harry,

I love you. Remeber that. You were not the reason for this. It's Micheal. He will kill you and I can't let tht happen because I love you to much. Go to a club and find a new girl because I won't be here. I love you but I think I'm not the one you want. I need to leave. I will watch over you with my baby. Me and him/her will watch and wait for your time to come and greet you. Maybe you will come with your wife. I won't be mad. I'll be happy. Happy that you found someone that can make you happy. I love you.


I throw the letter on the floor with tears streming down my face.

"ALINA!" I scream. No answer. I try to open the door but it's locked.

"ALINA!" I scream again. No answer. I grab the ax that's in my closet. I knew I would need it sometime. I angle it to hit the door knob. It hits it and comes off. I kick down the door.

Her hair is flowing around her floating body. She's lifeless. I quickly run to her and grab her out. I stop the water and pull the drian. I put her on the bed and do CPR. She coughs but doesn't wake up. She breaths but doesn't open her eyes. I cloe my eyes and start to silently cry. My tears fall on her chest that's still rising up and down. 

I cry. I cried till there were no more ters left in my aching body.


I had to write this fast because of school :( CLIFFHANGER HAHAHA


If i have bad grammer im so sosososo sorry, I was writing this fast and don't have to look through it :)

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