Chapter 26

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I feel like nobodys reading anymore 



Alina's POV

I heard a screeching cry as I jumped out the bed with the sun blinding my eyes. I quickly ran out my room and gabbed the vase that was sitting on the drawers and then ran into were Alexis was sleeping. But she was sound asleep. I looked around confused and then heard another cry. The sound came downstairs. I ran down the stairs quickly and went into Carmyn's room.

I saw her curled into a corner crying and screaming with a big spider a few feet away from her and it was quite....harry.<I made myself laugh HAHAHA>

She saw me and then jumped away from the spider.

"ALINA KILL IT!" She yelled into my ear while hiding behind me. I sighed as I found my high school text book and threw the book at it. It landed right on it while splashing its..guts all over the book and carpet. I sighed as I turned to Carmyn glaring at her.

"Thanks for waking me up." I said still glaring at her. Then my eyes glanced to Alexis rubbing her eyes.

"And her to." I said pointing to Alexis. I walked over to Alexis and picked her up and walked toward the kitchen.

"I'll make breakfast." Yelled Carmyn. Alexis giggled as I smiled.

"You better." I yelled back. 

Carmyn came running back and started to get the ingredients for pancakes. I heard my phone ring. I quickly rushed up the stairs and found it in my room. I looked at the caller ID and it was Harry. I smiled as I picked up the phone.

"Hello?" I said in a happy voice.

"Hey love, I was wondering if you wanted to have breakfast?" He asked. God I love his voice. 

"Carmyn's making breakfast. How about Lunch?" I said.

"Sure love, see you at 1." He said, then hung up. I smiled as I hung up.

I know that after the dollar store thing maybe he just wants to be friends. I sighed as I walked down the stairs to the amazing smell of pancakes. Chocolate pancakes. I walked into the kitchen letting the heavenly smell fill my nostrils.

"Who was that?" Said Carmyn while wiggling her eyebrows.

"It was Harry." I said smiling. She smirked.

"What did he say?" 

"Were going to lunch together." I said. "But I bet it's just two friends hanging out."  I said. I heard Carmyn drop her spatula. She gasped.

"No it isn't! He loves you!" She said. I chuckled. Then walked over to Alexis who was playing with some forks. I smiled as I took her hands.

"Lets go help mommy pick out an outfit for my day with Harry."

"Okay." She giggled and then took my hand.

After eating the most delicious pancakes on earth, I went upstairs to put on what me and Alexis had chosen on what I was going to wear. I was wearing a white shorts with a black tank top which had a leather jacket on top but the sleeves were chopped off and had gray sweater sleeves instead. It was my favorite jacket by far. I put my hair normally and put my phone is my pocket.

"Carmyn! Call me if you need anything." I yelled before walking toward the door.

"Ok! By hun!" She yelled back.

Forever Together (A Alina Maria and Harry Styles Fan Fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang