Chapter 2: Stone Haven

Start from the beginning

              "STOP! I'm not letting you out there. You have no idea what's going on around here. The locals, the hunters. There's a bounty out for a wolf." Clay growled

              "All the more reason we should be out there making sure Jeremy is okay." Elena said

              "It's not safe. There, he's back. Now, let it go. I'm only trying to protect you."

I calmed down after seeing Jeremys wolf run into the house.


Elena and I walked into Jeremy's room. Hhe was pulling a shirt on.

                   "Gunshots?" Elena asked

                  "I'm so happy you're home, Elena and Makayla." Jeremy said

                 "Are you all right?"

                "Yeah, I'm fine, I'm fine. I picked up the scent of the hunters by the western property line and I cleared out immediately."

                 "Were they shooting at the Mutt?"

               "I didn't smell him out there. But any snapped twig or rustling leaf is going to be met with bullets until this situation is resolved."

                "How's it been like, Jeremy?" I asked

              "It's been quiet lately. And then this, out of the blue. With you home, now, we have a much greater chance of finding him."

              "Right. Look, just so we're clear, we'll help you track the killer. But once we do, we're out again." Elena said

             "We'll start tomorrow, when we're all together."

                "No, we can go now."

              "If you two go out alone and you find him, he's going to try to kill you. Are you prepared to kill him?"


            "Then I will send Clay and Nick with you."

            "No, I'd rather go with the local psychopath."

              "You forget, darling'. I am the local psychopath."

I snapped my head over to see Clay standing there.

              "You know, it's rude to listen into people's conversations." I snapped

             "I'll wait till everyone's here. It's been a long day. I think I'll go unpack." Elena said

             "Okay. Everything you need's here, just as you left it." Jeremy said

Elena walked out. Clay watched her before walking off himself. I stood in Jeremy's room looking at his paintings. It was silent for a few minutes. My attention was caught when Jeremy llifted my left hand and was staring my ring finger. My ring was off but you could see the tan line where it was supposed to be. He looked at me. I pulled my hand away.

               "Please tell me that's not from what I think it is." Jeremy said

                 "I can't tell you that." I whispered


               "Don't. just please don't. I-I don't want to listen to a whole speech about how I shouldn't be engaged to another man. Yes, I get it. I really do. I understand the consequences of my actions. But I deserve to be happy and he makes me happy. I feel free with him, Jeremy. I feel like no matter what I say or do, he'll always support me. I love him. I truly do love him even if he's human. One day—one day, I'll have to tell him my secret and I hope he'll understand. I hope that he'll still love me for me and not think of me as a monster. I'm scared, Jeremy. I'm so scared that he'll break my heart. Look, I get married in 6 weeks. You guys are welcomed to come to my wedding. I'd like for you all to be there."

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