Chapter Twenty-Five

ابدأ من البداية

"No spoons. Yes!" Liam hissed.

I chuckled. " I remember little and big things about you too, babe."

  He laughed joyfully. " I know, baby, I know."


Once again, we just stayed in. We watched movies, ate tons of unhealthy junk food, and just relaxed.

  "Well, it's already 10:30 at night, should we call it a day?" Liam asked as we finished our last movie. Which was The Heat.

"Yeah, okay." I yawned and streched my arms above my head.

Liam stood up and offered me a hand. I took it and he helped me up. "Come on, baby. Let's get some sleep." All I did was nod and let him drag me to the bedroom.

We stripped to our boxers and laid down, immediately snuggled into each other and locking hands.

"Are you ready to go back home?" Liam asked quietly. 

I nodded, still a little tired but slowly waking up. "Yes and no. Yes, because we get to see the twins again. No, because I'll miss sleeping in," I chuckled. Liam did too.

"Yeah, I'll miss it too. But I miss Blake and Brielle," Liam countered. I nodded.

"When do you start your medical internship at the hospital?" I murmured,  playing with his ring again.

 He sighed. "I should be starting within the month. They still have to call."

"Okay. I have to finish up the last bit of my work then I can graduate!" I exclaimed happily.

I could practically feel Liam beam in the dark. "I'm so proud of you! Even with all the complications, you managed to pull through and follow your dreams." I blushed. 

"Thank you. Now all I have to do is find a place who is looking for a chef." I sighed. "This is going to be so much fun." I said sarcastically. 

Liam cleared his throat. "Yeah, I've been meaning to talk to you about that...." He trailed off.

Confused, I gestured for him to go on. "So, um, I was thinking if you wanted to maybe have your own restaurant?" I froze.

My own restaurant? 

"Really?!" I exclaimed,  feeling excitement bubble inside of me.

Liam nodded. "Of course. It's more of a wedding present from my parents."

"Wow," I whispered. "They did that for me?"

He laughed, stroking up and down my back. "Of course.  They love you, just like family. Because that's what you are. "

Unable to stop myself, I sat up and attacked Liam's mouth with mine. He was shocked but moved his lips in sync with mine hungrily.

I sat up straighter and swung my leg of his thigh so I could straddle him. Liam moaned in appreciation and placed his big hands on my hips. Soon, he made the first move and swiped the tip of his tongue across my bottom lip. I immediately granted access and he took advantage.  Liam snaked his tongue in my mouth and explored.

  *(SMUT STARTS HERE! (I can't believe I even attempted to write this)*

I groaned when he stroked his tongue against mine slowly and seductively.  I bucked my hips down and moved them in little figure eights.

Liam growled and pushed me so I was on my back with him hovering over me. Liam smirked and leaned down to my ear.

"No, beautiful,  you aren't in control.  I am." He finished his sentence while rubbing my rock hard erection. I moaned. 

Forever Yours **Niam Horayne AU Mpreg**حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن