[25] Doofy Doof

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Jack tripped.

Of all the fucking cliches that would've happened, he tripped. Over a stone, root, stick, whatever it be, it totally and utterly fucked him over. If Mark were next to him right now, he would probably say something like 'nice job you Irish spud' or-

"Get your leprechaun ass up, Felix is coming!" That apparently. Mark's hand reached down and pulled Jack up, sprinting forward to run with him.

"I said left! Did you even pass 1st grade?" Was the first sarcastic comment that came to Jack's mind. Mark disregarded that comment, replacing it with one of his own.

"Jack, use your speed. Take me with you, of course." Mark breathed out.

"It's like you're askin' for whiplash." Jack let out a heavy sigh before scooping Mark into his arms. Adjusting him so both boys were comfortable, he held Mark's head close to his chest. In a second, he dashed off of campus and into the distance, away from Wade and Felix. When he was finally done running, the pair had ended up in a random alleyway.

"Mark? You okay?" He set him standing on his feet, holding his shoulders to keep him up. Mark's fiery red hair was tousled in every direction, and his face could only be described as shock. He set his hands on his slightly bent knees, hunching over from the quick rush.

"Um, baby, if your gonna puke, please aim over t'ere." Jack pointed to a spot away from himself. Mark chuckled tiredly, straightening back up. Jack let him re-cooperate for a few more minutes before they got back to work.

"Jack," Mark breathed out heavily, "you gotta tell me everything you found at that warehouse."


Jack didn't take his sweet time trying to explain what was there, he just handed Mark the file he found on him there. Mark scanned over the words, sometimes nodding along or scowling when he read certain parts. Jack remembered the other file he had and handed it to him, even though Jack himself didn't read it. Mark was a fast reader, finishing the first file quite faster than he did.

"Well I'm certainly not going to deny this. These are all facts." Mark closed the file with a sigh, rubbing his hand on his stubble. Jack sat idly next to his boyfriend, his boyfriend, itching to ask questions.

"I hated doing what I did, I hope you understand that." Mark interrupted their silence with his own personal comment, taking Jack off guard. His thoughts were still at 'comprehending how this beautiful human is mine.'

"What exactly did you do?" Jack asked, because he wanted to hear Mark say it, not Wade write it.

"I...I hurt people. There's a lot of blood on my hands." His voice seemed to drop an octave, curling into himself. He scooted back so he could lean against the wall. His head hung back, neck exposed, and Jack swallowed. His best friend had practically admitted to murdering people, and Jack was busy thinking about how beautiful he looked like that.

"It wasn't your fault. You didn't know what was wrong, you were too young." Jack defended, pushing himself against the wall next to Mark.

"But I killed them. They're dead and there's nothing I can ever do to fix it." A tear rolled down his cheek, running down to drop on his t-shirt.

"You can't think like that, Mark. They were controlling you, it would be ridiculous to blame yourself." Jack looked over at him, noticing that he had started crying. He reached up to Mark's face, cupping his cheek to wipe the tears that dared to escape his brown eyes. He leaned forward, pressing a soft kiss against Mark's lips. The red-head was reluctant to kiss back at first, self-conscious about the tears rolling down his face. It only took him a split second to kiss the Irishman back though, pressing his face closer. Soon enough, the two were having a make-out session, tongues sliding against eachother and lips being pulled by teeth.

After minutes of this occurring, the two pulled away from eachother, breathing heavily with Jack straddling Mark.

"Fuck. We should do that more often." Jack mumbled into his boyfriend's neck, breathing in his scent of coffee and wind (if wind had a smell, at that.)

"Most definitely." Mark motioned for Jack to climb off, moving their bodies so they could lay down together.

They two fell into a comfortable silence, until Mark interrupted it with his baritone voice.

"Why didn't you tell me you could throw fucking lightning?" Mark asked, tracing different shapes into Jack's side.

Why didn't Jack tell Mark about that? Well, that wasn't much of an unanswerable question, because Jack had hid that from practically everyone for a reason. One: he had no idea how to handle it. The only reason why that bolt didn't strike Matt, Ryan, or Mark was because it was pure luck. It sure was impressive, but it wouldn't be very sensational if someone had gotten electrocuted right there. Two: it wasn't his ideal power. The only thing he was suppose to get was speed, not be able to throw lightning around. Three: by the time he discovered he had that power, his dad was long gone. He never touched on it. (Thinking back to it now, that was a cowardly idea.)

"Uh..." Jack had already snooped in Mark's private life, why should Jack hide anything from him? And Mark was asking, unlike Jack, who just went with the 'breaking and entering' method.

"I didn't really know about it until two years ago. Too soon t'be mastered and too late t'be learnt." Jack and Mark chuckled at that, and Jack felt Mark's chest rumble with each laugh that came out.

"But yeah, I don't do it much, so don't expect t'at ever again."

"Damn it, I was really looking forward to the next time you were going to do it." Mark joked, kissing Jack's shoulder. Jack hummed, turning his head to look at the red-head next to him.

"I love ya, you big doof." Jack ruffled Mark's fluffy hair.

"I love you too, you Irish fuck-ow!"

|| im sorry this is extremely short, thats all my doing. ive been dealing with personal issues the past (over) week, and exams coming up arent a big help. summer vacation is coming up quickly (june 10) and i will be writing so much more. on top of that, we hit 5k reads! thank you so much, seeing so many people enjoying this book warms my heart. i love you all so much, thank for lots!

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