[11] Embrace

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"Are you seriously going to pretend like last night didn't happen?" Mark said, after he slammed his arm in front of Jack's chest to stop him from walking.

Jack let out a sigh of defeat, turning to look at his curious friend, "Do we have t' talk about this here?"

It was Mark's turn to sigh loudly this time, "Fine, what about at the cliff?"

Jack beamed over at Mark, excitedly turning their route to the dorms to his place. Certainly the cliff was his place, he never bought it nor found it years ago. He liked to claim that it was his. Acting like he was the owner of the area made him feel proud, as if he was achieving something other than good grades. Then, another thought occurred to him. What was he going to tell Mark? That he was just walking around a house when Felix pulled him into a bathroom and started bashing his head in with his fist? If he just waited, surely the answer would come to mind.

Jack agreed with the last one.

Few minutes passed, the two boys arriving at their destination. Mark looked around in wonder again, taking in everything for a second time. His arms swung at his sides, spinning around. There was a silence that was shared between the two, before Jack's voice cut in.

"Well, what do you want to know?" He questioned, getting Mark to stop swinging his arms to look at his friend.

"Um, it's all kinda blurry," he chuckled, "I just remember seeing my best friend hurt and against a wall. Then- then there was...Felix? I think Matt and Ryan were there too. Oh, and I hauled your ass outta there." Jack nodded in agreement.

"I'll just fill in the blanks, okay?" He didn't wait for Mark to agree, just went on with his story. "So, the night was fine. You ran off t' drink, but Matt was sober as ever. Ryan only had a few drinks. I went and sat down on a couch, then you sat down. Right after you got up, I think Dan puked on me. I went t' the bathroom, with Felix there waitin' for me." He left out the part where Jack used his speed to defend himself, because trust him, Mark didn't need to know that.

"That's, that's, what I don't understand. Why does Felix hate you?" Mark shook his head.

"First, he doesn't hate me. He just...Strongly dislikes me." Jack lied.

"Dude, you're so full of shit," Mark rolled his eyes playfully, "do you know why he punched you a bunch of times?"

"Uh, well. I'm not- I don't know." Jack concluded, quite awfully. Mark seemed to buy it thought, shrugging his shoulders.

"You don't have to feel like you can't tell me things. You can talk to me, you know that." Mark stated, turning Jack's shoulders so he was standing before him. "I feel like you're hiding something, like you need to leave something out of the story because," he paused, looking at Jack's face with question, "because reasons I don't know." Mark, finally finished with his small 'speech,' placed a hand on Jack's arm. He gave his friend a gentle smile, placing his hand over Mark's.

"You know I can trust you." Which came out almost a whisper, the most considerate of ways to say about a subject like that. In Jack's world, trusting people is like making a deal with the devil. He wouldn't know what they were going to say and who they were going to say it to, even if that devil of a person trusted the other. Ever so badly did Jack want to tell Mark everything,not just making up lies of how he found a random cliff or why Felix wishes to break his bones under his fingers. He wanted to finally open up to someone, to find trust in someone for a secret like his. But no one like that existed, as Jack told himself.

"Good, because if you don't start trusting people soon, you're gonna all by yourself." Mark let his hand glide down Jack's arm, brushing it against Jack's hand. On that note, he started to walk away, leaving Jack confused and lost. Minutes passed before Jack decided that the cold air was biting him too hard, retreating into the college with cold hands.

If Jack just told Mark, right there and then, would he have to continue with this conflict? If he told him, maybe he could teach Mark a thing or two about fighting, making him Jack's sidekick. The boy had always fought alone against Broverse, which resulted him in losing most of the times. Mark on his side could give Jack the upper hand, one coming in from the back, the other from the front. But, no, that wasn't going to happen because Jack was too scared of rejection. Mark would call him a freak, probably even run away.


Jack walked into the shared dorm to see Mark relaxing on his bunk, scrolling through his phone. The brightness of the device illuminated his face, outlining each feature that popped. At the sound of a door closing, Mark looked up. He gave his friend a tender smile, averting his eyes back to the screen. The day wasn't that late, the sky showing colors of pink, yellow, and orange. The colors blended together to make one canvas, lighting up the evening. Soon it would dissipate, covering the sky in a warm black.

"You never asked me if I ever wanted to watch the sunset, Mark."

The redhead looked down at his friend, setting his phone down next to him.

"You never asked." Mark said as he hopped down his bunk to join Jack at the window. As soon as he was situated next to his roommate, Jack tugged him to the side, pulling him into an embrace. His arms wrapped around Mark's torso, fingers touching at his back. Mark, reluctant at first, soon encased his friend, hands resting on his lower back. Jack's head rested on his shoulder while the sun disappeared under the horizon. Moments later, Jack let his arms slide from the hold, standing next to his friend once again.

"What was that for?" Mark questioned, watching the sun once again.

"I'm not sure. Just felt like we needed it."  Jack said, which was full of honesty. 


how do you guys like the new cover? also, sorry updates are so slow. i've been binge watching teen wolf (whoops)

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