[19] Thoughts and Roses

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Soon after Jack read all the reports, he returned them to the station. Luckily, the day was already shifting into night, making the job a tad bit easier. Not having a companion to distract the now man guarding there this time, Jack used his speed to break in through the back door and return to the files to their rightful places.

He was exhausted after the whole day of avoiding Mark and police officers, once he landed his head on the pillow, (that was placed there by the housewife, Matt) he was out like a light.


Jack had forgotten about everything. For the first minute of bliss after waking up in the morning, the memory of all the troubles in his world were erased. But when they came back, it hit Jack hard enough in the head (mentally) that he had to grab onto the couch to break his fall.

Currently Jack's thoughts were messy and disastrous. Most of it consisted of Mark, more than usual. This whole 'avoid Mark until the end of time' was going to tear the Irishman apart. There was really no other option, unless Jack wanted to talk to him, which wasn't going to happen for years.

There were two different sides to his dilemma. Ignoring Mark had goods and bads, the goods being Mark never wanted to talk to him again, because that was exactly what Jack was doing. Bad side being Mark actually did want to talk to his speedster of a friend, and Jack was just pushing him away. Then, there could be the outcome of Jack finally going and talking to his friend. Mark either would gladly speak, or keep walking.

Reasoning with each option he had made Jack feel more alone than ever. He wanted to push Mark away, and so far it was working. He ignored Matt and Ryan (sometimes), no matter how funny their jokes were. Jack often found himself biting his bottom lip to stop himself from laughing.

The two boys were a special pair. Anyone would say that if they were friends with them, mostly due to their 'special' sense of humor. Even though everything seemed to be a joke to them, ranging from Homer Simpson to the KKK, the duo had a soft spot.

For starters, Jack had woken up in the middle of the night to see Ryan (presumably) sweating while Matt sat next to him, holding his hand and whispering. The brunette would be practically choking, and Matt would be right there to hold his hand and rub his back. Jack wouldn't dare to move or disrupt them in moments like that, only cracked his eye open.

A few nights ago, Jack was having trouble sleeping. The speedster woke up to see Ryan sitting at the office chair.

"Why can't you sleep?" Ryan asked, his voice much more clear than expected.

"I..." Jack fiddled with his hands, twining his fingers together. "It's weird not hearin' Mark's breathin' and snores." He admitted to his friend. Sure, Jack could agree that some people can't sleep without their lovers steady breath, but Jack was usually able to fall asleep without hearing Mark's. Now that he was gone, the room was instead filled with Ryan's deep snores, other than his light breaths.

But Ryan didn't seem to care. He nodded in understanding, walking over to the couch to sit with him.

"Why couldn't you sleep?" Jack kept his head down as he asked.

"I just can't. I mean, some nights I can, but I always get nightmares, so what's the point?" Ryan chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

"It's okay man. Honestly, I think nightmares make you a better person."

Ryan gave him a confused look, which only made Jack want to talk more.

"Well, certain things t'at happen can actually be a hint in life. Like, I heard somewhere if there are roses in a dream, it means upcoming joy." Jack explained, smiling at his pal.

"What nightmare would have roses?"

"Well, I dunno. Maybe you're getting shot t'death and your friend is sprinting towards you while hold a bouquet of roses?"

"Makes sense." The brunette roamed his eyes around the floor for a few seconds, when something seemed to register in his mind. "Well roses have different colors, right? What if there are...pink roses?"

Jack's smiled widened, and he grabbed Ryan's shoulder in excitement.

"It means upcoming love! Tell me who was in the dream! Was she beautiful?" Jack cheered, somehow keeping his voice quiet.

Ryan's cheeks burned a bright pink. "Uh...he's not really beautiful. I would say...handsome."

Jack's smile was replaced with shock. Ryan looked like he wanted to have a seizure.

"Oh, dude, I'm totally acceptin' of that. I just didn't expect it from you." Jack chuckled.

"Either did I."

"So who was carrying the roses?" Jack pressed on.

Ryan turned his head to look at the sleeping figure in bed.

"Matt. Matt was carrying the roses."

Jack must have had a soft spot for the down trodden, because for the days following, he continued to help Ryan discover himself, and not walk into this without guidance. Ryan continued to tell Jack that it was unrequited love, but Jack reminded him that it was Matt carrying the bundle, which definitely meant he loved him back.

It was nice helping Ryan, because that meant a distraction from the other problem at hand. Jack still didn't talk to Mark, and he never saw Felix after that night. Jack noted the inclusion of getting closer with Ryan.


Jack was curious on how many problems the human body could handle until you explode. Hugo said that he had 99, does that go for every human on Earth? Jack didn't exactly have 99 problems, but his life made it seem like he sure did. His biggest problem at the moment was his second power, surprisingly not the huge deal with Mark. The red-head already knows his first, if he found out Jack is double the crazy, he'd be walking the opposite way.

Would Jack do that? Would Jack walk the opposite way if Mark was like him? Of course not, but what about Mark?

What if Mark wanted to get closer after this?

That's too many what ifs.

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