[17] Revealing Mistakes

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When Jack woke up, Mark was still asleep. He peaked over to Matt and Ryan's beds, noticing that they were in the same state as he. Over the night, his friend's arm had somehow gotten tighter, and lower. It took Jack a few seconds to pry his fingers from his waist, then throw his arm over. He wiggled away from the breathing heater, attempting to not wake up his friend.

Jack wandered around their dorm for sometime, taking in the different sort of things they had. A tripod was leaning on the wall in the corner. A camera was on a table near by, joined by a desktop computer. There were enough candy wrappers littered on the floor that Jack would've thought the wrappers made up the ground. There were a few more things that made the two stand out, like the ugly ass fedora that was hanging on a hook. Jack just hoped it was a joke.

After pacing throughout the room, Jack decided to go see the Dean for a new dorm today. He wasn't exactly sure if he needed to bring his roommate along, but just in case, he shook Mark awake.

"Mark. Mark. Wake up." Jack uttered, continuing to slap his friend on his arm. "Get yer lazy arse up before I kick it."

"I'm up, I'm up!" Mark groaned, giving his best effort to kick the Irishman away. Jack rolled his eyes at Mark's childish antics.

Eventually getting Mark awake, they left a note on the coffee table saying that they went to the Dean's office to speak to him about getting a new dorm.


The walk to the Dean's office was a lengthy one. The building was located on the far left side of the campus, while the dorms were situated from the middle and towards the right. The building Mark and Jack were in was towards the right.

Even at eight in the morning, students were scrambling about to morning classes. Mark almost got hit with a door on their way there, some girl that was most likely escaping a one-night stand. The walk was about ten minutes, giving the two enough time to talk about what happened last night.

"Were you comfy?" Mark's voice butted in from the silence.

"Uh-yeah. It was fine. Thanks for sharin' th'blanket." Jack looked down at his hands, currently twisting together. Mark hummed in understanding.

"Since it seems this hall is more dead than Gwen Stacy," Jack checked behind him to make sure no one was shadowing them. "Why don'tcha tell me about what occurred in our room?"

Mark tensed up. He shoved his hands in the pockets of his jeans, and bit his lip. Jack enjoyed soaking up that image. Not because seeing him nervous was somewhat of a revenge of that Jack was put through, but because him biting his lip was very attractive.

Stop thinking that, Sean! He's your best friend!

"I got in a fight," Mark said. "There was this guy, he said that uh..." Mark began to stutter. His sentence was saved by the upcoming elevator they arrived at. The pair stepped in, Jack turning on his heel to press the button for the main floor. A taller boy strolled in from the right, standing next to Mark. The elevator doors closed, beginning their ride down. The Irishman looked at his friend, noticing something was off about him.

Mark's face was contorted into a sneer with his hands balled into fists at his sides. Jack peered over at the taller boy, noticing that he was matching Mark's attitude. Jack raised an eyebrow, interested in why Mark's posture had changed in a matter of seconds. He wasn't mad when Jack asked him what had taken place, he was just nervous. Jack looked back at the taller boy. He had brunette hair, with a slight scruff thriving on his face. He had a bigger build than Jack, either muscle or fat.

"Hey buddy!" The mysterious man exclaimed, clapping a hand on Mark's shoulder. Jack was convinced he heard something along the lines of a growl come out of Mark, taking the tall boy by surprise.

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