[6] Healing

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Warmth from a soft blanket enveloped Jack, a happy sigh escaping his lips. The presence of another person dawned upon him, making him shoot his eyes open. Matt was sitting in the chair next to their table, Ryan had his face behind the refrigerator door and Mark was kneeling down right in-front of him. His head looked up from what he was presumably on, his phone. Worried eyes searched Jack's face for a second before softly asking,

"You alright?" The sound of his voice grabbed the attention of Ryan and Matt, their heads both looking up in curiosity. Matt stood from the chair, walking over to Mark and kneeling next to him.

Jack flicked his eyes over at Matt and back to Mark. "I feel better." He answered.

"Good. Matt, mind getting me a washcloth? Warm water, please." Matt just nodded and stood up to walk over to the bathroom.

"What happened?" Jack adjusted his body a bit, getting himself in a more comfortable position to look at Mark.

"Well, I ever so heroically saved you from busting your head on the floor tile. Then, got here as fast as I could and patched you up." He smiled at his younger friend.

"And Matt and Ryan?" Jack mentioned, nodding his head over at Matt that was strutting over with the washcloth.

"Called 'em over. Needed company besides watching you sleep with blood rolling down your face," he turned to the blonde, taking the washcloth and mouthing a 'thank you.' "You also drool while you sleep." Mark commented, gently pressing the wet cloth to Jack's gash. He simply rolled his eyes, letting Mark continue his actions.

Ryan had somehow appeared behind Mark during all of this, watching him cater his roommate.

"It started snowing," Ryan commented, pointing to the window. Mark paused his actions for a moment, looking over at the window.

"Forgot about that. Snow in Cincinnati," he replied, getting back to holding the cloth to Jack's forehead.

"Wish he was here to see it." Ryan shoved his hands in his pockets, a sad look crossing his face. Matt, noticing the sudden shift in mood, walked over to his friend. He placed a hand on his shoulder, a fragile attempt at reassurance.

Mark began to whisper. "You scared Ryan. Your breathing wasn't even, nor was your heartbeats. He thought," Mark choked on his sentence. "We thought," he suddenly paused, shaking his head. "Nevermind. It's just good to know you're okay."

Tears were forming in Jack's eyes, hating himself for making people worry. Had it been that bad? Did they actually asume the worst? His hatred for Broverse grew stronger, making his eyebrows cross. His teeth clenched, with fists balling up under the blanket. Mark noticed his sudden switch of emotion, removing the cloth from his forehead and standing up. Jack flipped the blanket, sliding out of the bed to stand next to Mark. He wrapped his arms around Mark's torso, shoving his face in the crook of his neck. Mark froze, but soon loosened up, holding Jack closer. His head rested on the boys shoulder, just enjoying the small gesture.

"I'm sorry for making Ryan worried," he muttered. "And Matt. And you." He said silently, a tear rolling down his cheek. "I didn't mean-I didn't know." His hands gripped the fabric of Mark's shirt, balling them up in his hands.

"It's okay," he soothed, a hand rubbing up and down Jack's back. "You're okay."


Ryan and Matt had left, leaving Mark and Jack in the small room alone. They were both sitting on the top bunk with hot cocoa, courtesy of Mark. There were no words exchanged, for which they were out of. Until Jack spoke.

"I hid the gash from you."

"I know."

Jack turned to look at Mark with wide eyes. "How the fuck?"

Mark just let his eyes flick to the right of him, looking at the green-haired man. They went back to the mug cradled in his hands.

"You made it obvious," he took a short sip. "You reached the extent of not even talking to me."

"I didn't want you to worry-"

"I wouldn't. I couldn't, it was just a cut, correct?" Jack nodded. "Exactly. By the way, you turn in your sleep." Mark smirked, knowing he had won out.

"You're a dick," Jack chuckled, giving him a gentle slap on the arm.

"The coolest dick!" Mark rubbed his arm, hitting him back playfully.

"Indeed!" Jack agreed, letting his eyes set on the mug below him. "Wanna do somethin' fun?" Before Mark could answer, he grabbed at his mug and jumped down from their bed. He set them down on the closest table, spinning to look at Mark already standing next to the bed. "Grab your jacket, we're about to do something awesome!"

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