[8] Part Timers

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Mark had left to go to class, one which he didn't share with Jack. The green-haired boy was currently alone in their dorm with nothing to do, resulting in him sitting in the boys' gaming chair playing on his phone. He could of course play Mark's Xbox, but the controllers had died and oddly enough, there were no batteries lying around. His actions were broke when a soft buzz emitted from the table. Clearly, it wasn't his phone since he was cradling its in his hand. Standing up, he walked over to the piece of furniture, searching for what he could only imagine was Mark's phone. After opening a book up, he found the small device vibrating, buzzing across the piece of paper. Jack reached for the electronic, after setting his down, reading the text that had illuminated the screen.

Mom: Hi honey! Hope you're having a good time and doing well! Also wishing you've stopped doing those silly things that you used to do back at home. xoxo

"Cute," Jack mumbled to the silence of the room. He placed the phone back to it's rightful place, when a sheet of paper caught his eye.

The boy knew with all his heart that he shouldn't be snooping, but the best had gotten to him before he could stop himself. What the paper said wasn't exactly foreign to him, he was just shocked that Mark had information like this, somehow getting it on his free time. Numbers and words littered the paper, coming together to make addresses and coordinates. Jack looked around for more clues to see what this all meant, using his speed to do so.

Discovering that there was nothing here that would explain the oddness of the whole situation, Jack closed the book, only to find something that could only be a clue. The book. He had seen this book before, yet he couldn't put his finger on it. For sure, it wasn't a book he could've gotten from any of his classes, decreasing the choices for where he'd seen it.

"What'cha gotta study for?"

The scene where Mark had flipped on Jack last week ran through his head, only making his curiosity grow larger. Why would he hide this? It doesn't seem important to any of his classes, why does he care? Once again, his questions were interrupted to the sound of a door swinging open. Mark's appearance soon came into view, his purple t-shirt standing out like a sore thumb. Loose jeans clung to his hips as the teen struggled to stand, stumbling over to Jack. His hair glowed as small snowflakes were melting between the strands, letting his hair be illuminated by the sun peaking in from their window. Books stacked to his neck wobbled as he used his foot to shut the door behind him, giving Jack a curious look.

"What're you doing there, Jackaboy?" The blue-haired boy questioned, looking down at the desk Jack was seated at.

"Wha'? Me? Oh, nothin'. Just, you know, the norm'." Jack lied, flashing him a fake smile in a bad attempt to cover for it.

"Okay?" Mark shrugged, disregarding his roommates terrible shot at lying. "I picked batteries up, if you wanted to get the Xbox going." He tossed the orange and black package to Jack, who was fumbling with the hem of his shirt. Barely catching the box with one hand, he ripped off the plastic, letting the contents spill over the table. Plucking four batteries, he strutted over to the shared TV to search for their controllers. Once finding both, he shoved the batteries into their desired area. Jack reached for the remote, pressing down on the power button.

"So, what do you want to play?" Mark questioned while Jack started up the Xbox.

"Ah, doesn't matter to me," he pressed in the sphere near the top of the controllers. "Well, maybe a little. How 'bout Halo?" An enthusiastic nod from Mark was the only answer the boy needed before throwing himself into the chair, waving the other to come sit down next to him.


"Oh you little Irish shit!" Their fingers slammed against the small buttons, attempting at defeating each other. Right when Jack was about to land a final hit on Mark's character, the person on the screen teleported to the other side of the map.

"I was so close t'kickin' your fuckin' arse!" Jack shouted as Mark fell into a giggle fit. The Irish boy set his controller down on the ground next to him, turning to Mark with an angered, yet playful, expression on his face. The Korean pretended that he couldn't see Jack's face, continuing to tap at his game. A smirk played on his face, which infuriated the younger one more. In a blink of the eye, Jack's arms had wildly reached out to his roommate, grabbing at his shirt. Mark toppled back on the ground, grunting from the unexpected attack.

A devious smile was plastered across Mark's face, looking up at Jack. He shoved the smaller one off of him, making him land on the floor beside him with an 'oomph.' Mark sat himself on the smaller one's hips, still smirking at him.

After a long silence of the two gazing at each other, Jack was the first to speak. "Fine, Fischbach, you win."

Mark pumped his arm into the air, giving out a small cheer. "Got'ee!" All Jack could do was sigh, propping himself up with his elbows.

"You need to stop hanging out with Ryan," In that moment, you could see a light bulb flash above Mark's head, reminding him of a memory.

"Ah! Speaking of Ryan, he told me there was some party being thrown down the road from here," he paused, collecting his thoughts to remember more information, "a boy named Felix, I believe, is throwing it. He invited me to go, said I could bring anyone along. Guess that anyone would be you." Mark gestured towards Jack, smiling like a small child.

"Of course, man!" He answered, without even thinking twice. He really should've thought twice, he knew that. The last party he went to was a huge setup, Broverse ended up kicking his ass up and down the halls.

Mark gave him a friendly slap on the back, beaming at him. "Well, we mind as well leave now, most of our time was spent playing video games." They both grabbed for their jackets, shrugging them on over their shoulders. Letting the softness of the inside of the jacket hug Jack, the two walked out of the dorm, leaving the comforts of empty pizza boxes and Halo behind.


The musky, alcohol smelling air was something that Jack would never get accustomed to. Of course, the man was from Ireland, alcohol was in his blood, but the type of environment he was in was not favorable. Sweating bodies were pressed close together, loud bass made the ground underneath them shake, along with the loud voices trying to overcome the music. Jack felt the need to cling to Mark like a small child, lost in the grocery store. Except this grocery store had sweaty bodies and bitter drinks.

A blonde man with golden locks approached the two, drink in hand for himself. His golden hair was perfectly combed, a wave looking style in the front. The rest was all brushed to the left, giving him a professional look for a place with such smell. Chest covered by a blue t-shirt with simple jeans, he seemed to be their average student. He greeted Mark first, shoving his hand out in-front of him for Mark to shake.

"Hi! You must be Mark! Your friend, Ryan, told me you were coming," their blue eyes shined as he looked at Mark, smiling at him as if Mark were God himself. "And you, his tag-along, I suppose?" Felix didn't nearly give Jack the same happy gesture, just kept his hand down by his side, snarling at Jack. The boy couldn't quite put it together, but he swore he had seen this man somewhere. He swore he had heard his voice somewhere. Time would decide if he would ever put his finger on who this mysterious man was.

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