[15] Civil War

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Jack didn't wake up when the door slammed shut.

At first, he wasn't sure if he ever wanted to wake up at all. He wasn't sure if he wanted to do anything that progressed his life into further steps, really. During his stage of half-asleep and half-awake, he remembered Mark.

He remembered the look on his face when those three files fell out of his sweatshirt. He remembered when Mark told him to 'never talk to him again,' but in his own special Mark way. Then, he remembered the moment Mark turned around, and he literally felt a string connecting to his heart snap. Maybe it broke because he lost his best friend. Or maybe because he lost not only a best friend, but someone he loved like...

Like a lover.

Nor did the insane thought of actually being in love with his roommate (who was a fucking guy) wake him up, but the feeling of someone's hand poking at his sides did. The voice let out a high-pitched giggle, who could only be identified as Ryan.

"Hey there Jack! Wakey, wakey, we got shit to do!" Ryan laughed once more as he watched his friend struggle under the sheets. Once his ticklish friend was done having a fit, he bounced away from him and over to their fridge.

"Have ya seen Mark by any chance?" Jack's groggy voice asked. He threw his legs over the edge of the bed, setting up a new task to make sure Ryan didn't eat all of Mark's hot pockets.

"Before I got here, I saw him angrily slam a door and storm down the hall. I was too far away, but it might have been here." Ryan replied while grabbing the carton of milk. "Why you ask? Somethin' happen between the married couple?"

Jack was too tired to come up with a witty comeback.

"No, I jus' did somethin' stupid. My fault, don't go runnin' after him."

Ryan was nice enough to respect his wishes, leaving him to do whatever he wanted with the carton of milk. He decided to chug a quarter of it.

"So," He wiped the milk from his lips with the back of his hand. "What exactly happened that made Mark storm out of here like a bat outta hell?"

"It's uh..." We went to the police station together and he distracted the girl at the front desk while I went and stole files. I grabbed a file of Felix Kjellberg, Mark Fischbach and... "Just private matters. I'm sure he'll be over it." Ryan, knowing that Jack wasn't going to say anymore, screwed the top back on and set the jug back in the fridge. He started his way towards the door, but turned around on his heel as if something had clicked in his mind.

"Oh yeah! Since parties clearly aren't your type, Matt and I were wondering if you wanted to come over tonight and play some video games?" Ryan questioned. Somewhere in his eyes Jack could see that he nearly pleaded for him to come, possibly throwing him puppy eyes.

"Hell yeah! I have classes today; I'll be over around six?" Jack suggested as he turned to grab his sweatshirt.

"Sounds great! See you then, green bean." Ryan waved just as he walked out the door. Jack let out a heavy sigh, continuing to grab other utensils he would need for class.


The crowd of sweaty people and daddy issues engulfed Jack as he walked out the door of the classroom. Saying 'excuse me' to nearly every person he bumped shoulder to shoulder with, the Irish boy finally escaped from the mob. Laughing in disbelief at how many times he had to go through that, he jogged back to his dorm. He had one hour to get ready, one hour to make sure he didn't run into Mark. After the episode that the two had to endure, Jack hid the folders to make sure Mark didn't get the idea of snooping and possibly finding the folder he absolutely did not want him to find.

Jack wrapped his fingers around the doorknob and pushed the entrance open. His eyes landed upon the chaos before his mind did, making him take a step back to get adjusted to what was before him.

There was two chunks of bed set on the floor. Sheets from each bunks were torn, clinging to the edge of the mattress. Their table had one of the legs broken off, and from what Jack could see, it was nowhere in sight. The chair was knocked over in the kitchen area. Glass was sprawled around the floor where the now broken window was, some chunks had made their way to where Jack's feet were. Their dresser was tipped over, only a few shirts had fallen out.

Mark wasn't anywhere around here, but that didn't stop Jack from thinking this was his fault.

Surely, the two boys were going to need a new dorm. Jack still wanted to share one with Mark, because honestly, he couldn't imagine living without his friend. Just because they were fighting at the moment didn't stop him from liking him.

It was a reasonable time for Jack to be pissed.

He stomped on a chunk of broken glass, only making it shatter into more dangerous, smaller pieces. He picked up a shirt that was on the floor, throwing it across the room. Jack threw a few more broken items until he was satisfied enough to pick the dresser back up. He checked the third drawer, digging through it until he hit the folders. His fingers ran across the smooth surface of the paper, making him smile to himself. He tucked them back where they were before, content that no one had gotten their grimy hands on them.

The bathroom wasn't destroyed. Jack cleaned up, making sure to put a bandage on the cut he had gotten when he was throwing around random broken shit.

Jack didn't budge with cleaning the room, only gathering his most valuable things to shove them into a corner. He reported to the Dean that there had been a disturbance in his dorm, requesting a new dorm for him and Mark Fischbach. By the time all of that was finished, he had about five minutes, enough time for him to make it to Matt and Ryan's dorm.

"Hey pool boy twink!" Was the first thing Jack shouted when he walked into the dorm of laughter, food, and video games.

Matt winked at Jack, including a flick of his tongue. Jack laughed at his friend, Matt soon mimicking his action. Someone that was sitting beside Matt had noticed the disruption, leaning back to see who had intruded. The red-hair gave him away almost instantly, making Jack wonder why he even needed to lean back to see who it was. Just the thought of Mark wanted to actually see Jack right now made him want to go roll around in traffic.

Matt glanced between the two, obviously noticing the tension slowing building in the room. Ryan walked in from the bathroom, a huge smile on his face. He too noticed the awkward silence, slipping the smile from his face.

Jack was the one to break the ice.

"Uh...Mark. Have you seen our dorm?" He tried to hold back the anger that was laced in his tone, but he was having a hard time doing so.

"I have. I was actually going to ask you about it." Mark snapped at him. Jack took a step forward, leaning over on the defensive side.

"Ask me about it? May I remind you, I've been in class all fuckin' day." Jack sneered at him, anger bubbling up and clear in his tone.

"Oh sorry. I just thought based on the wild adventures you've been on lately, I was guessing the touchdown tornado in our room was you." Mark spat at him, actually spat. A droplet of spit flew out of his mouth.

"Well, I thought it was you beca-"

"I invited you both over so you could resolve whatever was going on through video games. If this is some sort of therapy for you two, continue, but I'm leaving. C'mon Matt." Ryan ushered Matt from his seat on the couch, leading him out the door.

Jack took a seat on the opposite end of the couch, darting his eyes at Mark to glare at him.

"Well, shall we start this therapy session?"  

a/n: just a quick one to state whats been on my mind.

thank you guys so fucking much for 1k+ reads. that kinda blows my mind. i remember hitting 100 and now were at 1000. thats awesome. you guys are so amazing and generous. you all wait at least a week for an update, and still stick with me through the large gap. i cant thank you enough. love you guys.

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