[16] Understanding

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"They're listenin' to us right now."

"I know, just fucking talk."

Part of Jack had the temptation to strangle Mark into the couch, another part of him wanted to actually get this over so the two could be friends again.

"Then listen to my part of the story." Jack fiddled with his hands in his lap. "I only grabbed your file because I was curious. I didn't think you had any arrests or whatnot, if that's what you were thinkin'. And for th'record, I only came for Felix's file."

Mark nodded his head, taking in what Jack was saying.

"I really don't want you to think I hate you or think you're a bad person. Because I know you're not. I've been roommates with you for quite a while, I think I would have put it together that you were a bad person in the first week."

Mark smiled at that, but his eyebrows crossed in the middle.

"That still doesn't explain why you're so curious about Felix."

"He might have a criminal record." Jack answered too quickly.

"I hate when you lie." Mark scooted his body closer to the lime-haired boy, his knee brushing Jack's.

"I'm not lyin'." Jack lied.

"You're the cock up my ass, Mcloughlin."

"That's weird, I always saw you as a top."

"Is that an invitation?" Mark's neck grew scarlet, nearly matching the shade of his hair. He craned his head to look at Jack with a smirk plastered on his lips.

Jack cleared his throat, feeling it going dry by the second.

"So, are you gonna explain why our dorm looks like the Tasmanian Devil stopped by?"

Mark groaned, leaning back to lay on the couch.

"I might know." He taunted, shooting his eyes to every place where Jack was absent.

"Tell me!" Jack jumped, bumping his leg on Mark's.

"If you tell me what happened at the party."

"I already did."

"Not all of it."

"Fine." Jack gave in. He still wasn't going to tell Mark everything, just because coming out and saying you're the speedster that appeared in the paper isn't that easy.

"I believe I already told you about that one guy pukin' on me, then I went to th'bathroom to wash th'puke off, correct?" He paused for a moment to make sure Mark agreed. He nodded.

"Well, for some reason, Felix was in there. I have no idea why, but he was in there, waiting for me. He said that I stole somethin' from him. I denied it, saying that I didn't."

"Did you actually steal something from him?" Mark interrupted.

"No, of course not. Anyway, he got pissed, said I was lying, and decided to punch me in th'face. I had to defend myself. You guys got there just in time before any damage could be done."

"If I recall, I was too drunk to do anything, so don't be thankin' me." Mark chuckled, rubbing his hands together nervously.

"Now that I told ya what actually happened, you should tell me what happened at our room when I was gone."

"Um...well it's kinda a long story. Matt and Ryan are waiting, maybe I should tell you later." He was obviously uneasy about speaking what had occurred in their room.

They sat in a short silence, Jack patiently waiting for Mark's explanation.

"O-okay. You know that thing you said about me not being a bad person?"

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