[29] Epilogue

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"And as always I will see you," Mark pointed his index finger directly at the camera, "in the next video. Buh-bye!" Giving the camera a short wave, he stopped the recording and shut off his camera. Mark leaned back in his black chair, letting out a sigh. He had finally finished the last video, for he had been recording all day to stockpile videos. He peeked his head from behind the monitor, seeing Jack laying on their bed typing away on his phone. Mark hopped up from his chair, running over to the bed to jump on, flinging Jack a few inches off the bed and into the air. The Irishman let out a surprised squeak that turned into a yell as he fell back down, bouncing slightly on their bed.

"Jesus, you scared the balls outta me!" Jack punched Mark playfully, leaving the somewhat older one to laugh uncontrollably. The red-head clutched his stomach, trying to overcome to laughing fit he was thrown into.

'Okay, okay, I'm done." Mark said after another five minutes, Jack sighing in relief but with a smile on his face. He leaned forward, pressing a delicate kiss on his boyfriend's lips. His slim fingers tangled in Mark's soft red curls, pulling him closer until he was hovering above him. One of Mark's hands found home at Jack's hips, holding there as if it were a lifeline. The two parted for very well needed oxygen, with Jack's blue eyes taking in every detail on Mark's face. Jack's hand rested on his stubble, rubbing the rough skin with his thumb. Mark's brown, adoring eyes looked down at his boyfriend, smiling at his actions.

"What are you thinking about right now?" Mark whispered, searching Jack's face for any emotion of answers.

"You." He responded, which was the complete truth, not a cliché answer to satisfy Mark's ego. They lie in silence, taking in the time they spent together, even in complete silence.

"Don't you have videos to record?" Mark asked, tucking a loose strand of green hair behind Jack's ear.

"No, I only have a few left to edit."

"Well, you should go-"

"No, I wanna stay here with you." Jack brought his other hand up to Mark's cheek, pulling him down for another breathtaking kiss. A loud bark grabbed the two men out of the moment, Mark turning his head to find Chica hopping up and down happily next to the bed. Jack groaned, their moment being ruined by a precious dog. He slipped from Mark's grasp to pet their dog, scratching behind her ear and kissing all over her face. Mark sat idly as he watched his boyfriend smother Chica with love, smiling at what they had become.

From college students to roommates, to boyfriends, to fighting people side by side, Mark's life was turning out better than he had anticipated. Maybe too good if he thought about it too hard. He had graduated from college, left somewhat lost and confused on what to do next, but knowing full well in his heart he wanted to continue his life with Jack. After some damn good convincing, he had gotten Jack to move in with him in a house in L.A. After they had finally got to L.A., Jack seemed to be more excited about the whole idea than Mark ever was, making him ease into the situation easily.

Mark was happy.

It almost seemed like his life was full of perfection, and that fact suddenly dawned upon him. With all the happiness in his life, there had to be some sort of balance. Just as things can't be bad forever, things can't be amazing forever either. Felix and Wade had dropped of the face of Earth when the couple had finished college, and Matt and Ryan were still living in Cincinnati. Would Felix and Wade make a ruthless return, and fuck up their beautiful lives once more?

Those dark thoughts were erased from Mark's mind as he glanced back at his boyfriend and dog, affection swelling up in his heart.

If Mark was going to have perfection for a limited amount of time, he was definitely going to soak it up and not miss one second of it.

With that new positive thought, he swopped Jack into his arm, Chica barking happily beneath them and following the couple into the kitchen. Mark gently set Jack down on the couch, snatching the remote off of the coffee table and turning on the T.V.

"What's got you in such a giddy mood?" Jack questioned once they were situated, Mark finding a decent looking movie on Netflix.

"Mmm, nothing, just thinking is all." Mark told him, pulling his body closer to his own to cuddle with him.

"What'cha thinkin' 'bout?" Jack dragged on, outlining the grooves and curves on Mark's clothed chest with his fingers.

"Nothing too important, now hush, this movie's about to start." Mark told him, kissing the side of Jack's face to get him to be quiet. The green-haired man hummed happily, snuggling up with Mark as the movie began. His face scrunched up in confusion as he noticed a missing factor to their movie night, and the answer popped up in his mind immediately.

Using his speed, he made a bowl of buttery popcorn for the two, setting it down on the coffee table, some pieces falling out because of all the momentum. He snuggled back up with Mark in the same amount of time it took him to perform the task. Jack plucked a piece of popcorn from the bowl as if he didn't do anything, tossing it into his mouth.

"You are so careless with your powers." Mark complained, but couldn't stay playfully angry for long, because he was soon munching down on the buttery treat.

"Pff, whatever. At least I'm still not tryin' t'keep it a secret from ya." Jack responded with a mouthful of popcorn, looking up at the red-head. Mark smiled at him before placing a light kiss on his forehead, directing his attention back to the movie.

Pff. Keeping superpowers as a secret was getting boring anyway.

A/N: And this, ladies and gentlemen, is the final chapter of superhero secret. I actually cried before typing this out, because I just saw that this book got #989 in fanfiction! And i know that's nothing near the top, but the fact that your love and support brought the book to these types of levels has me breath taken. I can't say enough how thankful I am and how much this book has changed my life for the better, and I couldn't leave it on such note.

I really wanted to do for somewhat an extra chapter, me talking about the "behind the scenes" of this story, because writing this story was one hell of an experience. (Dedication, inspiration, ideas for story, whatnot.) If you guys have any questions on how this story is so, please ask them below, I would love to answer each and every one of your questions with everything I have (they will be in the bts chapter).

Thank you all so much, and with that, I conclude Superhero Secret

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