[24] Show and Tell

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"We are fuckin' idiots." Jack huffed out, feet slamming into the ground with Mark at his side.

"I don't think that's the most appropriate thing to say in this situation." Mark replied, turning his head around to see Felix and Wade directly behind them.


Jack woke to someone's finger prodding at his sides, making him groan in disappointment.

"Maaark." He tried to say it normally, but his morning voice made it come out as some pornographic moan of some sorts.

"I recall you saying that last night." Mark winked in his direction, which lead to him ducking from Jack's ambush of pillows.

"Very funny. But may I mention your special string of words 'oh Jack, call me th-'"

Their morning started with a pillow fight and a broken lamp.

After the back and forth remarks of sexual innuendos, the pair went to Matt and Ryan's dorm, picking them up to go to the dining hall, then head on to class. While they were walking in pairs, Mark and Jack in the back, the red-head was the first to strike up conversation.

"Jack?" He whispered, wanting to keep their talk out of Matt and Ryan's ears.

"Yeah?" Jack replied back, catching on with the whispering act.

"Are we ever gonna tell them about us?"

"We already did." He glanced at his boyfriend with a confused look.

"No, I mean, yeah we did, but about...our thing." Mark squeezed his hand. Realization formed on Jack's face, knitting his brows together in understanding.

"Today doesn't seem like that bad of a day. During breakfast?" Mark nodded in agreement.

They arrived at in the Dining Hall in no time flat. They collected their personal choices of food, of what was left of it. The group say idly in a corner table, paired as wished. Jack and Mark exchanged looks after a couple bites of food, signaling they wanted to start their conversation. Each of them cleared their throats, as not one, but two people spoke up.

"We have something to tell you guys." Mark and Ryan said, simultaneously.

"Um, you go first." Mark offered, which Ryan declined.

"No, no, yours is probably more important. What's up?"

"Dude, I swear, you need to go first." Mark said. Ryan held a stern look before he finally caved in, setting down the fork in his hand.

"Okay, well," he looked over to Matt for a moment, the blonde nodding his head. "Matt and I have an...announcement for you two losers." He swallowed, and Jack noticed sweat forming on his forehead.

"We are...together. Like a couple." Ryan lifted up their intertwined hands as a picture, as if Jack and Mark didn't understand already.

"Yes!" Jack cheered, pumping his fist into the air. Mark copied his actions, high-fiving the new couple.

"You know what that means." Jack elbowed Mark's side, reminding him of their bet. He groaned, reaching into his back pocket to pull out his wallet. He fished out a twenty dollar bill, shoving it in Jack's hand.

"You were betting on us?!" Matt exclaimed.

"Oh, shut it ya big silly, you guys bet on us too." Jack rolled his eyes, holding up his money as if it were the Nobel Prize.

The four bickered back and forth (including the throwing of food) until Ryan started up an actual conversation.

"So what were you guys," Ryan gesticulated towards them with his fork, "going to tell us in the first place?"

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