Its funny how things change

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Natsu's POV

I have a kid?
Yes Natsu.

Lucy walls up to me and picks up the baby out of the carrier thingy.

A couple months after you left I found out and then 3 months ago, I gave birth. Natsu this is our daughter, Nashi Dragneel.

She hands me the baby, she has a little bit of pink hair, and she has Lucy's eyes. I just stare at her. I have a daughter.

You ok Natsu?
Her name sounds like mine.
Well I was missing you when I gave birth so I named her after you.
She is amazing, Lucy, I'm sorry I wasn't here.
It's fine, you will be from now on, and plus I had her aunties and uncles around to help with the pregnancy and looking after her.

I can't believe I have a kid, me Natsu, I just, it's, wow, IM A MAN, I've been friends with Elfman for too long. A few months go bye, me and Lucy plan the rest of our wedding together, although she has already done so much.we get happy a little suit so he can be the ring bearer, Gray, Gajeel, Jellal and me all go suit shopping, the boys showed me a load of suits they looked at whilst I was away, they are really nice, and they all match my scarf, which is a plus, I wish I hadn't lied to Lucy about Igneel but how do you tell someone, who you love but left them for a whole year, that I ended up not finding anything and just wasted my time, following loads of dead ends, and although I don't want to think of it maybe Igneel is dead, but at least if he is he knows I'm ok because I know he will be watching over me, and maybe he had to go so Nashi could come into the world, the circle of life I guess.

Lucy's POV

It's now the day of mine and Natsu wedding, last night the boys all left to go stay at Gajeels place. It feels like the day of the ball all over again, Erza is down stairs shouting out who go where, although some of the girls they are all here getting ready together, Evergreen just admitted she wanted to see the dress early, which made me laugh. All I can hear is Erza shouting out.

We will be doing hair and make up for us all in the living room as it is a bigger space, then me, Juvia, Levy and Michelle will go to Juvias room to put on our dresses, Mira, Cana, Wendy, Carla, Layla and Evergreen you can all use my room to get ready, and finally the bride you can use your own room for you and Nashi.
Thanks Erza.
No problem

She still doesn't understand sarcasm.

Ok everyone, we have 1 hour till we have to start doing hair and makeup, let's eat.
I can't eat I'm to nervous.
Come on sweetie, try and eat something, even if it's a piece of toast you have to eat, I made that mistake when I married your father, and I fainted at the alter.
Ok, I'll eat, I don't wanna faint.

We go and eat, turns out I'm really hungry, I feed Nashi and then we go get ready, my mom quickly does her own make up then does mine. I summon cancer to help with my hair. Then we all go to our rooms and get ready. My dress is a sleeveless, sweetheart, mermaid cut dress, with white gloves, I get Nashi ready first, then I slide my dress on when I hear Erza shouting.

You are not supposed to be hear. GET OUT.
Relax I'm just picking something up that was forgotten then I will go.
Fine but knock before you go In so she can cover up.

I hear a knock at my door.

Come in.

Gray walks in.

Wow, Lucy, you look. Wow.
Sorry to barge in but Natsu forgot his vows and asked me to get them.
No problem, hey Gray?
Could you give me and hand?

He helps me zip up my dress he is looking over my shoulder whilst I look in the mirror.

Natsu is one lucky guy.
Yeah, it's funny.
This may have been us.
Yeah could have been, but I would have married you a lot sooner.
Thank you Gray.
For what?
For being he with me, I know it was probably hard, watching me and Natsu do the things that we nearly did.
It's fine Lucy.
And although we may not be together I will always love you Gray. Your my best friend.
Love you too Lucy, I won't hug you, I don't wanna crease your dress.
I best get going.
See you at the church.
Yeah see ya there Luce.
Oh gray?
Can you take Nashi down and give her to my mom please

Gray POV

Oh god she looks amazing, she and Natsu are gonna be so happy together, maybe it was for the best me and her didn't last, because then this little cutie wouldn't be here, I do kinda wish this was my kid and I was the one marrying Lucy today, God I have got to stop thinking like that, me thinking like that nearly got me in trouble. I'm so glad we found out Lucy was pregnant, it made me realise I couldn't win her over whilst Natsu wasn't here.

Lucy's POV

I finish getting ready and head down stairs, everyone has different reactions to my dress, my mom and sister start to cry, some of the girls cheer and some just wanna take pictures, we take a few quick pics then the cars arrive. This is it I'm off to marry Natsu. We arrive at the church, my mom, Mira, Cana, Evergreen, Wendy and Carla all go and find a seat, Gajeel and Jellal come and find us so they can walk the isle with Levy and Juvia. I feel some one tap me on the shoulder, it's my dad, he grabs my arm and smiles, this is it, music starts to play, Michelle walks in first throwing petals on the ground, next is Erza, then is Juvia and Jellal, then Levy and Gajeel. Finally it's mine and my dads turn, the music changes and everyone stands up, me and my dad start to walk down the isle, I see all our guild there, my family, event my spirits have managed to come along. We get to the alter, my dad kisses me on the cheek and joins my mom and Nashi.

Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join Natsu Dragneel and Lucy Heartfilia, I've been told that the bride and groom have prepared their own vows, Natsu would you like to go first.
Lucy, we had a bit of a rough start, and a rough middle, well there has been a lot of rough, but if there was know rough we would be boring, no couple is perfect, but we do our damn best. You make me a better person, and you made me realise maybe snoring when I have dragon magic isn't really the best thing to do. I love you so much Lucy, I never ever want to leave your side ever again, and now we have Nashi, it's made my life with you even more amazing.
Lucy, you may begin.
I'm not gonna lie Natsu, when I first met you, I thought you were crazy, you and Gray were fighting, as usual and then you managed to burn her whilst he managed to freeze her, then she kicked both your butts. The first time you told me you loved me, I was so excited and scared at the same time, it was a new thing to me, but I liked it. You changed my life for the better, you gave me my beautiful daughter and now I get to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you Natsu Dragneel.
Do you Natsu take Lucy to be your lawfully wedded wife, in sickness and in health, till death do part you?
Aye sir.
And do you Lucy take Natuse to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and in health, till death do part you?
Aye sir.
By the power vested in me I know pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride.

We kiss and everyone cheers. We walk back down the isle and in to the car, we are having our reception at the guild, as it just felt right. We all head back there.

So Mrs Dragneel, how you feeling?
I'm feeling great Mr Dragneel.

We party the night away, till Cana has drunk the guild dry, we then head home with happy, Nashi, Gray, Juvia, Erza and Jellal.

So me and Natsu are married with a kid, who next Gray? Jellal?
Juvia stop staring.
Now look what you have done Lucy.

We stop outside the house.

You know what?
I always imagined I'd marry a big wealthy banker or something because my dad said so, and we would live in a huge mansion with just us our children and loads of servants, just like my parents. But living with my husband, my child and my family, I couldn't ask for anything better, I love you all.
We love you to Lucy
Now come inside I have cake for us all.

I will always be forever grateful that I became part of the fairy tail family.

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